至少现在没有什么问题 翻译成英文怎么说? 再等急等 你应该向老师问问题英语怎么说


向老师问问题 用英语怎么说 英语是:Ask the teacher questions.句子解释:ask 英[ɑ:sk]美[?sk]vt.问,询问;需要;要求,请求;邀请;vt.询问;邀请;请求允许;要价;vi.要求;询问;请,邀请;[例句]'How is Frank?' he asked“弗兰克怎么样了?他问道。teacher 英[?ti:t??(r)]美[?tit??]n.教师,教员,老师,先生;[航]教练机;[例句]I'm a teacher with 21 years 'experience.我是个有21年教龄的教师。question 英[?kwest??n]美[?kw?st??n]n.问题;疑问;怀疑;议题;vt.问(某人)问题;对(某事物)表示[感到]怀疑;[例句]They asked a great many questions about England他们问了一大堆有关英格兰的问题。

向老师询问问题用英语怎么说 Teacher,may I ask you aquestion?老师,我可以问您一个问题吗?

有问题可以向老师请教用英语怎么说 If you have anyquestion,you can ask teachers for help.

英语翻译 if you ask help for the teacher,you can clarify thisquestion.what he did does not consist with what he said.when asked about what he did,he just clam up.Most of the people there make a living by raising sheep.for convenience,England has been divided into three sections roughly.when does the new manager take up?he is back on his feet finally.It's too noisy,please switch off the television.he presses drinking one coffee on me.I do not have this kind of experience previous.please remind me to write to my mother.he is greedy for fame.he lacks for living common sense.it takes years to master a language.we'd better speed up,if we want to get there in time.you find when refer to England people included Wales as well.E-mails can't take the place of letters.i'm sure there will be accomplished the task in months.to his great delight,he found the lost key,our car broke down on the way to the station.好累啊.希望能帮到你 呵呵

至少现在没有什么问题 翻译成英文怎么说? 再等急等 完全可以at least now,no~

当老师提问,你回答正确时,英语老师会说什么 good job,good boy/girl.因为有很多学生不会说那么长的句子。

至少现在没有什么问题 翻译成英文怎么说? 再等急等 你应该向老师问问题英语怎么说

今天英语老师提问我我题,我就因为一个单词不会她就说你不会英语?我真的有点放弃学英语了, 没事的,老师羞辱学生是常有的事,不要太放在心上。至少还提问你没有放任你不管,学语言本来是需要一些天赋的,有的人学的很快,有的人学的很慢。如果你以后需要出国的话,还是必须要学好一点的,其实有那个语境环境就很好了,只要你有兴趣,加上勤奋是不可能学不好的,勤能补拙,英语就好像你学语文一样,只要不断的记忆不断地重复。多一些同人家的交流,其实英语。考试考不好没所谓的,有的人考试不好,但是同外国人交流起来就挺不错的,主要是需要大胆的说。所以不要因为英语学不好就有挫败感。总之就当是为了应付考试吧,等到你以后到了社会上有这个要求,需要你与老外交流的时候,你很快就能够上手了。


刚才我向老师问了几个问题 英文怎么说 I asked my teacher several questions.several用起来比some 高级一点.-



