英语翻译 The fault is made by misunderstanding.However,I didn't know anything then.The sun emerged at noon,it's free time.Everybody chatted very happy and within the limits of interest.We eated bento and enjoyed the precious time which for afernoon tea.But times fly,.and I.at afternoon.I was assigned to that hateful field for drudgery again.I totally didn't understood.So I asked,\"What are we doing?.Stared at me amazingly,\"Digging something.\"\"When are we start digging as we are squaring the field now?It's digging now.I was finally understood.It's so hard.Our chinese chatting made another big mistake again.Failure carved in my face when I back from the field at afternoon.We went to an elementary school around for relax.Mood was much better,maybe resulted from the weather.I made supper for the team after go back.It's fried dumpling witch is the first meal in our plan.Haw haw,open country is so nice.
祝愿大家玩得尽兴,的英语怎么说 祝愿大家玩得尽兴,I wish you all a very good time,重点词汇释义祝愿wish大家everybody;all;great master;authority尽兴to one's heart's content;enjoy oneself to the 。
玩得很尽兴的词语有哪些? 1、淋漓尽致[lí2113n lí jìn zhì]淋漓:形容湿淋淋往5261下滴,比喻尽情,酣畅;尽致:4102达到极点。形容文章或说话表达1653得非常充分、透彻,或非常痛快。2、兴致勃勃【xìng zhì bó bó】兴致,兴趣;勃勃,旺盛的样子。借以形容兴趣很浓厚,情绪很高。3、不亦乐乎【bù yì lè hū】乎:用做语气词,相当于“吗”或“呢”。不是很愉快吗?(“不亦”即“不是”,表示反问的副词,解释时不要加上“也”字)也表示事态发展已达到极限或过甚的程度,并带有诙谐意味。4、欣喜若狂[xīn xǐ ruò kuáng]欣喜:快乐;若:好像;狂:失去控制。形容高兴到了极点。5、喜不自胜【[xǐ bù zì shèng】胜:能承受。喜欢得控制不了自己。形容非常高兴。造句:淋漓尽致[lín lí jìn zhì]生命就是让我们珍惜每分每秒,活的淋漓尽致,活的辉煌灿烂;生命就是让我们创造价值,努力奋斗,精彩回味;生命就是让我们热爱善待,有限的彼岸,无限的追求!淋漓尽致[lín lí jìn zhì]哭就畅快淋漓;笑就随心所欲;玩就敞开胸怀;爱就淋漓尽致,人生何必扭扭捏捏。淋漓尽致[lín lí jìn zhì]聆听雨珠落玉盘的声音,才感到秋天悲壮惨烈的氛围,而秋的韵味只有在。
祝愿大家玩得尽兴,的英语怎么说 Have a good time.Enjoy yourself.这两个是固定搭配
让我们来看看吧。用英文怎么说 let's have a lookthey had a good time at the partythey want to go to Beijing for vacation during summer holidaythings
英语翻译 Today is a good day,I'm very happy because it's my birthsday.My friends all came and gave me presents.We went to the park and had a good time.We had dinner in a resterant and ate a delicious birthsdaycake,had wishes.This is a happy day and it's also my birthsday party.如有误,请多多包涵.
希望大家在这里能够玩的开心,玩的尽兴,海浪与各位友谊长存 every elfish from Seawave welcome friends all over the worldWish everyone can enjoy yourself and have fun hereLong Live the friendship between us或者The friendship of Seawave and you live forever