比如说 百分之70百分之35百分之80百分之45百分之98按照分数相加除以总数即可.(70+35+80+45+98)/5=65.6于是得65.6%
找个词表达的意思是最近的时间 最近近来这段时间recentlyin the last three months
“比如说”的英语怎么写 比如说for example;such as;for instance短语比如说轻音乐 Such As Light Music比如说外域 Such As Outland比如说牛62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333365653933头 Tauren比如说我 For instance said me;For example,if比如说数学 For instance said mathematics;For example mathematical比如说在线模型 online model比如说核磁共振技术 nuclear magnetic resonance;NMR比如说国际税法项目 International Taxation Program比如说医生和老师 For example doctors and teachers双语例句比如说,它应该是一个衬线字体还是一个无衬线字体呢?Should it be a serif or a sans serif for example?比如说,你可能会问,“我下一个会议在哪里开?For example,you might ask,\"where is my next meeting?所以,比如说在作出一个关于你的股票投资组合之前或许你应该喝一瓶水。So maybe you should drink a bottle of water before making a decision about your stockportfolio,for example.拓展资料1、for example英[f?:iɡ?zɑ:mpl]美[f?r ?ɡ?z?mp?l]例如短语for the example 为例education for an example 典型培育For This Example 在这。
帮我想一些大气点的成语还有那种很有气魄的成语,反正这一类的 声势浩大、气势磅礴、气吞河山、气吞虹霓、气吞牛斗、千帆竞发、物华天宝、国泰民安、高歌曼舞、锣鼓喧天、士气大涨、人山人海、热火朝天、踵趾相接、汹涌澎湃、惊天动地、拔地倚天、拔山举鼎、摧枯拉朽、大气磅礴、倒海移山、锋不可当、雷厉风行、锐不可当、势如破竹
描写人物动作的英语句子 指导别人的话,应该是用省略了主语的祈使句型.下面撰几个给你参考.Stand straight.Raise your chin.Tuck your belly.Turn around.Be cool.Look back.Look down.Put your right hand up.Kneel down.Imagine you are cr.
数字怎么表示颜色的啊? 这些都是色卡的编号,比如说PANTONE色卡,RAL色卡,DIC 色卡等.色卡这种采用纸张印制的扇形指南携带方便,是样本采购、客户或供应商会议洽谈和即时检视的理想工具.每一张色卡,都有相应的颜色,为了区分这些颜色,于是每张.
英语翻译 this is national day,今天是国庆节,I am very glad,我很高兴,why?because school give us 7 day holiday,为什么,因为学校给我们放了7天假,this is very valuable,这是非常宝贵的,because in common day,we students only can study,study,study,without anytime to play,因为在平时,我们学生只能学习,没有时间去玩儿.How I can spend this 7 days 我如何度过这7天呢?first,I will go to eat KFC with my friends,首先,我会和我的朋友一起去吃肯德基,then,we will see films in advanced cinema,其次,我们会一起去看电影,在高档影院.at last,we will play gunfight game in internet bar,最后,我们会一起去网吧玩CS.oh,within a inch of we forget to eat a bowl of hand pulled noodle of beef in the moon.差点忘了,我们还会一起在晚上的月光下吃一碗牛肉拉面.