他在我来长沙之前就搬到上海去了用英语怎么说 他们已经搬到了上海英语


英语翻译 1 Where has he moved?2 he moved to Shanghai three years ago.3 I am going to move to Shanghai,I will send these books and toy to you and you can own it.4 He moved away from Shanghai days ago,no one kn.

我打算搬到上海的英文 I am moving to Shanghai.

英语翻译 搬家是“move house”或者“make a move”,通常用move1、Where did he move to?2、I hope you can give me a hand when I move house next week3、Jack's family moved to ShangHai 3 days ago.4、They moved here f.

根据汉语提示完成下列各句1.我们打算假期搬到上海去学习英语.We are going to move to Shanghai to learn on vacation.2.我想下个月去巴黎见见新鲜事.I want to go to Paris and see something new next month.3.他们是交流教师.They are exchange teachers.4.当他长大时,他想为国际杂志写文章.He wants to write articles for international magazines when he grows up.5.我们打算开一个欢迎会,We’re going to have a welcome party

他在我来长沙之前就搬到上海去了用英语怎么说 他在我来长沙之前就搬到上海去了He moved to Shanghai before I came to Changsha.move to英[mu:v tu:]美[muv tu]词典[计]移到;倒向双语例句It may also be a good move to suggest she talks things over.建议她把事情谈开了也许是不错的做法。

他在我来长沙之前就搬到上海去了用英语怎么说 他们已经搬到了上海英语

你将在哪里工作?我将搬到上海。翻译英语 你将在哪里工作?我将搬到上海Where will you be working?I will be moving to Shanghai.

他打算搬到上海去英语怎么? 英文:He's going to move to Shanghai.

他们搬到上海以有3个月了,英语 你好:他们搬到上海以有3个月了:They moved to Shanghai for 3 months.希望我的回答,对你有帮助!

自从托尼【tony】搬到上海以来,还没有给我打过电话用英语怎么说 Tony hasn't called me up since he moved to Shanghai.


