

记得联系我 用英文怎么说 Remember to contact me.Remember to keep in touch with me.Don't forget to contact me.Don't forget to keep in touch with me.能告诉我你的联系方式吗?用英文怎么说? 能告诉我你的联系方式吗?的英文:Can you tell me your contact information?contact 读法 英['k?nt?kt]美['kɑnt?kt]1、n.接触,联系2、vt.使接触,联系3、vi.使接触,联系短语:1、in contact with 接触;与…有联系2、contact information 联系方式;联系信息3、eye contact 目光接触;眼神交会4、close contact 近距离接触;紧密接触5、direct contact 直接接触扩展资料词语用法:1、contact的基本意思是“接触”“联系”,用于物时指相互紧密接触,用于人时指通过写信、电话、见面等方式直接联系,但身体未必接触。contact可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。2、contact作名词时,既可作单数,也可作复数。英国人习惯用其单数形式,而美国人则习惯用其复数形式,表示“联系”的意思。contact作动词时,指“与…联系”。3、表示“开始与某人接触”时,可以用以下来两种表达方式:come into contact with和come in contact with。前者比后者使用更频繁;词义辨析:contact,touch这两个词都可表示“接触”“联系”。其区别在于:touch指具体的、感觉器官的接触,并暗示这类接触所带来的优美或亲密的如果有不妥的地方请及时和我联系,英文怎么说 如果有不妥的地方请及时和我联系。英文:If there is anything wrong,please contact me in time. 如果有不妥的地方请及时和我联其他翻译如下: Any questions please let 如有任何需要请随时与我联系英文怎么说 如有任何需要请随时与我联系的英文翻译: If you have any need please feel free to contact me Anyquestion,pls don't hesitate to contact me.英语翻译 Hello,but I am sorry that the wallet is left at home.I will send it to you immediately.Please contact me if you have other needs.I will send all of them to you with the wallet.如有任何需要请随时与我联系英文怎么说 如有任何需要请随时与我联系If you need anything,please feel free to contact me英[?k?nt?kt]美[?kɑn?t?kt]n.接触;触点;[医](传染病)接触人;门路;vt.使接触;与…联系;与…通讯(或通话);vi.联系,接触;有一些英文的赞助文章要写,有愿意写的联系我 你写好我帮你翻翻看385764494如有任何需要请随时与我联系英文怎么说 如有任何需要请随时与我联系英文是If there is any need,please contact me at any time. 重点词汇: 1、任何any;whatever;whichever。2、需要need;needs;有需要联系我英文怎么说 just contact me if you have any need.Call me if you need anything.There is a need to contact me.If you are in need,please contact me.就是 Contact me if 英语翻译 If you don't have anything eles,I leave now./If you don't have topic,then I leave./then I say goodbye./If there is nothing eles/more,I will leave.If you need any help,contact me at any tim.


