恭喜你又长大了一岁英文 又长大了一岁用英文怎么说? 急!


恭喜你,又老了一岁。用英语怎么说。 Congratulations,one year older恭喜你,又老了一岁词汇解析:1、one year英文发音:[w?n j??(r)]中文释义:一年例句:He received one year's salary as compensation 。

恭喜你,又老了一岁。用英语怎么说。 Congratulations,one year older恭喜你,又老了一岁词汇解析:1、one year英文发音:[w?n j??(r)]中文释义:一年例句:He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office他得到一年的工资作为失业补偿金。2、congratulations英文发音:[k?n?gr?tj??le???nz]中文释义:conv.恭喜;祝贺例句:The club also offers its congratulations to D.Brown on his appointment as president.俱乐部也对D.布朗被任命为主席表示祝贺。扩展资料congratulations 的同根词:1、congratulatory英文发音:[k?n'ɡr?t??l?t?ri]中文释义:adj.祝贺的;庆祝的例句:It was a congratulatory hug at his wedding to my best friend.那是一个祝贺的拥抱,在他和我最好朋友的婚礼上。2、congratulate英文发音:[k?n'gr?tj?le?t]中文释义:vt.祝贺;恭喜;庆贺例句:She congratulated him on the birth of his son.她对他儿子的出生表示了祝贺。

恭喜你又长大了一岁英文 又长大了一岁用英文怎么说? 急!

又长大了一岁用英文怎么说? Grow old 长了一岁的意思

又长大了一岁用英文怎么说? 急。 I am one year older now.

“恭喜你又大了一岁,再也回不了我们这个如花似玉的年纪了.”求将这句话翻成英文 恭喜你又大了一岁,再也回不了我们这个如花似玉的年纪了It's my compliments to you for one year older in age again,yet it's also a sad moment which indicates you are forever out of this flowery age.

用英语怎么说?恭喜你又老一岁? Congratulations on your old one year,wish you live as long as the southern mountain

你又长大了一岁的英语怎么说? You are getting/growing one year older.

“我们又长大了一岁”用英语怎么说? We are one year older(now)


英语翻译,“恭喜恭喜,你又老了一岁了,哈哈,生日快乐” “Conragulations,【恭喜恭喜】You're one year older,【你又老了一岁了】Haha,【哈哈】Happy Birthday”【生日快乐】


