他认为新闻是重要的英语 求帮忙转换几个英语句子填空


英语翻译 生命健康安全对我们来是最重要的。你看了校车安全事故新闻后,请谈谈:Life and health security for us is the most important。You see the school bus safety accident news,please:1.你有什么感想?What do you have.

他认为新闻是重要的英语 求帮忙转换几个英语句子填空

新闻学的英语重要吗?? 重要

求帮忙转换几个英语句子填空 最重要的是,我们没有足够的钱来修新教学楼.(Above)(all),welianen’t enough money to build the new teaching building.爸爸喜欢每天在网上浏览新闻.My father likes(to)(scan)news on the Interest ev.

英语翻译 According to the topic about if it's necessary to speak in class,we had a debate.In my opinion,it's very necessary.There're 3 based on my views,check it as below:1.English is the universal language now,and it has been widely used in the public places.And there're around 171 countries use english.There're news,songs,movies etc.So based on this,why not speak as much as possible in our class while we are in such an environment?2.Someone probably say their is not good enough to grasp all what they teacher said in naturally they may not be able to get a good mark during the exams.well,I was wondering did you get a very good score,or did you grasp it well when all the knowledge was taught by your mother tongue?Like the old saying,Rome is not built in one day.If you are in such an environment at a very young age,then you will have no doublt to accept this education model,do you?3.Most of people are interest in the western culture,and when you 。

对什么很重要用英语怎么说 对人的话,当然是forbe important for sb to do sth 固定用法It's important for me to learn 学习英语对我来说很重要做某事对某人来说很重要


