“并且参考了你们寄来的样品” 用英语怎么说 参考样品 用英语怎么说 referenced sample英语翻译我的意思是外观上是什么要求?有没有样品可以参考 英语翻译:最好你能给我们一件样品作为参考。 i will apreciate that if you can give us a simple to be the reference.英语翻译 The sample is 50G weight which is different from the quoted product.It is just for customer's reference.英语翻译 Miss Li:Hello。I have prepared the sample(only to supply reference,makes when goodsspecification may according to expensive department demand),pleaseconfirm。Thanks。Specifically as follows:Writing brush:5(different design,for reference。Inkslab:2(different design,for reference。Ink:2Adjusts the ink:2Pen rack:2(size not one,for reference。The quotation please looked attaches the files。Thanks。Wen Gang\\ yellow ' S07-11-06英语翻译 Please be informed that these indentations are parts of this product,please refer to the attachment photo,the original samples also had the effect of indentations in the cup,including this dish's broadside was not smooth.Due to the wearing off in the production tools,and the hand made nature,it is unlikely to make each piece identically急求翻译成英语:我们想要一条样品作参考,是否可以提供? 我们想要一条样品作参考,是否可以提供?Could you please give us a sample as reference?英语翻译:最好你能给我们一件样品作为参考.
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