请问你今年少数民族骨干计划上了吗?英语得要多少分啊?谢谢。 按去年的分数线英语少干也至少得30分以上,如果英语过不了国家线的话就无法调剂了。委托帮友情提供
英语翻译 China is the country of an ethnic minority.前车之鉴啊,无our.hoho.
少数民族英文介绍 China is a large country noted for its dense population and vast territory.There are altogether 56 ethnic groups in China.The defining elements of an ethnic group are language,homeland,and social values.53 ethnic groups use spoken languages of their own,and 23 ethnic groups have their own written languages.According to the fifth national census taken in 2001,the Han people made up 91.59 percent of the country's total population,totaling 1159.4 million;and the other 55 ethnic groups,8.41 percent,totaling 106.43 million.As the majority of the population is of the Han ethnic group,the other 55 ethnic groups are customarily referred to as the national minorities.The Han people can be found throughout the country,though mainly on the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River,the Yangtze River and the Pearl River valleys,and the Northeast Plain.The national minorities,though fewer in number,are also scattered over a vast area,mainly distributed in the border regions from northeast China。
56个少数民族的英语是什么? 56个民族:56 ethnic groups。一、中华民族包括汉族、满族、蒙古族、回族、藏族、维吾尔族636f707962616964757a686964616f31333433616135、苗族、彝族、壮族、布依族、侗族、瑶族、白族、土家族、哈尼族、哈萨克族、傣族、黎族、傈僳族、佤族、畲族、高山族、拉祜族、水族、东乡族、纳西族、景颇族、柯尔克孜族、土族、达斡尔族、仫佬族、羌族、布朗族、撒拉族、毛南族、仡佬族、锡伯族、阿昌族、普米族、朝鲜族、塔吉克族、怒族、乌孜别克族、俄罗斯族、鄂温克族、德昂族、保安族、裕固族、京族、塔塔尔族、独龙族、鄂伦春族、赫哲族、门巴族、珞巴族、基诺族共56个民族。二、After ethnic identification,the current Chinese nation includes Han,Manchu,Mongolian,Hui,Tibetan,Uygur,Miao,Yi,Zhuang,Buyi,Dong,Yao,Bai,Tujia,Hani,Kazak,Dai,Li,Lisu,WA,she,Gaoshan,Lahu,Shui,Dongxiang,Naxi,Jingpo,Kirgiz Tu,Daur,Mulao,Qiang,Bulang,Sala,Maonan,Gelao,Xibo,Achang,Pumi,Korean,Tajik,Nu,Uzbek,Russian,Ewenki,De'ang,Bao'an,Yugur,Jing,Tatar,Dulong,Elunchun,Hezhe,Menba,Luoba,Jinuo There are 56 nationalities in total。扩展资料:中国的民族识别。
英语民族要怎么说? minority可以直接表示少数民族 不过用ethnic minority也可以,一般直接用minority就好了.汉语中的“我是少数民族”其实表示的意思是我是少数民族的一员,对于minority这个复合概念,用I am a minority OR I am a ethni.
少数民族用英语怎么说 我是做教育项目的,项目里经常有这个词。少数民族是Ethnic Minorities少数民族的风俗习惯就是custom of ethnic minorities
英语翻译 Now,do you know where my hometown is?We have 26 ethnic minorities here,but I am not one of them.It is really special here.Be sure to come here for fun.