相关数据 英文 相关数据的英文怎么说?(商务英语)


英语翻译 tip:vt,有倾斜,翻到,倾覆之意.dead heat election:不分胜负的选举;胜负难解难分的选举;势均力敌的选举.既然选举进入难解难分的白热化阶段,tip岂不有一种使胜利的天平向一端倾斜的含义么?所以这句话可以译为:“共.

英语翻译 The data structure teaching courseware designPick toData structure is an important basic course in computer science related field,the algorithm is data structure teaching of the emphases and difficulties.However with the traditional\"chalk+blackboard\"form,it is hard to algorithm performs process dynamically demonstrate out,which influence the teaching effect.Therefore it is necessary to design a data structure auxiliary teaching system,help students grasp faster algorithm.This system to Dreamweaver as a tool,made based on the data structure of the multimedia courseware,it is the voice,text,images,graphics peiking in the teaching mode,thus make the data structure of boring algorithm and abstract concepts such as be vivid rise,deepen and accelerating data structure understanding,make learning into a kind of relaxed.This system can vivid,intuitive,better stimulate student's study enthusiasm,exert students' imagination and creativity,in order to optimize the teaching structure,improve 。

英语翻译 This paper presents a summary of the data warehouse defThe article also discussed the on-line analytical processing in the data warehouse environment for the application of information analysis and the evaluation.To address traditional OLTP,MIS system is the platform for heterogeneous,distributed applications,easy to difficult issues into the service of the OLTP database of raw data for further processing,forming a comprehensive,and the analysis of the environment to support The formation of the decision-making,gradually formed data warehouse(DW)thinking.Introduced a data warehouse,data marts,operational data storage and data storage system architecture,design options are given.inition,characteristics,structure and related technology.Chongqing with China UnionPay Data Services Platform,a system to data warehouse solutions and its implementation process.

英语翻译 发生这件事的原因是这样的核查会使去重的资料被再一次水化.deduped没有找到,只有dedup,是【去重的】的意思希望对楼主有帮助.


求大神给翻译一下这一段英语,有关数据分析方面的 根据Zkimund,Babain&Griffin(2010)的研究,从很多方面来说,简单回归分析和相关性分析在数学上是相同的;但是,相关分析是互相依赖性的分析技术,而回归是依赖性的分析手段。R平方范围是0到1,他表明自变量能在多大程度上解释应变量(Burns&Bush,2010).R平方越高,自/应变量间关系越强(Burns&Bush,2010).进行回归分析时并不要求数据一定要正态分布,但如果数据能正态分布则分析结果会稍有提高。多重共线性不应当存在因为共线性问题削弱了回归模型的解释力。

问几句英文是什么意思,有关数据库的 1,我们可以按照这种做法,无论是技术,我们正在使用。在这两种结构或面向对象编程,有资源和成语孤立那些元素。2,Perl DBI的接受一个对所有数据库的共同点,所有的行为,并建立了围绕这样的概念结构。3,DBI的支持请求的思想准备,即分析的正确性,并可能优化4,我们有时会忘记,也可以提供数据库查询回大量的记录。

英语翻译 21,shown in the table below is the relevant data of a certain type of car:The car quality:600kgRated power car:40kWEach of the tire and the ground contact area:500cm^2Ask:(1)the car still at ground level,pressure and pressure on thesurface of each is big?(2)if the car on a level road to the rated power ofuniform straight line driving,speed is 20m/s.please calculate the car10min traction force work and cars by resistance(g 10N/kg).Solution:(1)the car still at the level of the ground pressure of F=G,F=600,G=mg,kg*10N/kg=6000N,the car on the ground pressure of p=F/S,p=6000N/(4*500*10-4 M2=3*104 Pa);(2)10 min car driving away:s=vt=20m/s x 600 s=1.2 x 104m,tractionforce work:W=Pt=4*104W*600s=2.4*107 JTraction cars by:F=W/s=2*103 N,because the car of uniform motion in a straight line,so the car by the resistance of f=F=2*103N.

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相关数据 英文 相关数据的英文怎么说?(商务英语)

有关数据采集的英文文章 5000字左右 Data acquisition is the sampling of the real world to generate data that can be manipulated by a computer.Sometimes abbreviated DAQ or DAS,data acquisition typically involves acquisition of signals and waveforms and processing the signals to obtain desired information.The components of data acquisition systems include appropriate sensors that convert any measurement parameter to an electrical signal,then conditioning the electrical signal which can then be acquired by data acquisition hardware.Acquired data are displayed,analyzed,and stored on a computer,either using vendor supplied software,or custom displays and control can be developed using various general purpose programming languages such as BASIC,C,Fortran,Java,Lisp,Pascal.Specialized programming languages used for data acquisition include EPICS,used to build large scale data acquisition systems,LabVIEW,which offers a graphical programming environment optimized for data acquisition,and MATLAB which provides a programming 。

#相关数据可以删除吗#相关数据 英文

