帮某人买东西英文 买东西给某人怎么说?英语!


买东西给某人怎么说?英语。 buy sth for sbbuy sb sth给我自己买东西两种形式用英语怎么写 buy something for myself/buy myself something.“给某人买某物”有两种说法,buy sb.sth./buy sth.for sb.带某人到某地、给某人买东西、帮助某人做某事的英文是什么? take sb.to somewhere如:My father took me to Sunwen Park last Sunday.buy sth.for sb.如:My mother bought a nice skirt for me.或是My mother bought me a nice skirt.help sb.do sth.如:I helped grand.英语:把某样东西送给某人,或给某人是用for sb还是to sb?应该怎么区分to 和for?应该怎么用它们? send sth.to sb=send sb sthbuy sb sth=buy sth for sbgive sth to sb=give sb sthfor为了to给某人花钱买东西用英语怎么说? 1 sb.spends some money buying sth./on sth.2 sth.cost some money3 it takes sb.some time to do sth,某人花费多少钱买什么东西 用英语表达 (两句。)谢谢。 sb pay some money for sthIt take sb some money to buy sth为某人买东西的英文翻译是什么 为某人提供某物provide sth for sbprovide sb with sth有不会的可以再问我英语翻译 去买东西,go shopping去电影院 go to the cinema去大山里Go to the mountains做事中获得乐趣 Enjoy doing things和某人玩play with sb为考试准备Preparing for examination观察某人做某事observe sb.doing sth/watch sb.doing sth


