我是新疆的用英语怎么说 “这里是新疆”的英语怎么说


英语翻译 Hello Joyce,How are you?My mother and I went to Xinjiang the first ten days of a month.Do you know Xinjiang There is a mountain named Huoyan(fire)mountain where is so hot that the temperature is 43 degree.When will your school reopen?I have given your wishes to Luo Liahui and Wu Tianqi.The name must be thought about,I will tell you next time.Best wishes.Yours,Jessie

用英语\ I'm a student of XIinjiang University Of Finance&economics.新疆财经大学 XIinjiang University Of Finance

\ Xinjiang people

英语翻译 My hometown is in xinjiang我的家乡在新疆Xinjiang scenery is very beautiful新疆的风景非常美丽Abounds in banana,grape and dried fruit,etc盛产香蕉、葡萄和干果等There are 56 nations,is many nations place.这里有着56个名族,是个多名族的地方.Xinjiang scenic spot a lot新疆风景区很多There is also a lot of tall buildings这里也有很多的高楼大厦Whenever I stand to go up high每当我站到高处I have raised their voices,put all the unpleasant all behind him我都高声呐喊,把所有的不愉快全都抛在脑后

我是新疆的用英语怎么说 “这里是新疆”的英语怎么说


新疆用英语怎么说? 严谨一点,应该是新疆维吾尔自治区 严谨一点,应该是新疆维吾尔自治区 英语:Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 绝不会错 可以给出音标吗?['?in'd?jɑ:?]['wi:gu?][?。

新疆用英语怎么说? 严谨一点,应该是新疆维吾尔自治区 英语:Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region绝不会错


我在新疆见过你用英语怎么写怎么说 我在新疆见过你I have seen you in Xinjiang我在新疆见过你I have seen you in Xinjiang我在新疆见过你I have seen you in Xinjiang

“这里是新疆”的英语怎么说 Now you are in Xinjiang。(如果人已经和你站在一起,站在新疆的土地上)This is Xinjiang。(可以人在新疆,可以给对方看照片图片等)


