您想再来一杯饮料吗英语 英语翻译


来一杯用英语怎么说 如果指的是酒,那么可以这样表达:你要喝一杯吗?Will you have a drink?我想我要来找你喝一杯。I thought I'd drop over for a drink。.


英语翻译 The answers from ivanhuang911 are all right,except that we don't say\"have a coffee\".We say\"have a drink\",but with coffee it's just\"have coffee\"or\"have a cup of coffee\".Also,we don't say\"treat yo.

英语翻译 1)Would you like something to drink?What would you like?it‘s my treat(this time).2)Would you like a cup of tea?it‘s my treat(this time).3)Would you like a cup of beer/wine?What would you like?it‘s my treat(this time).坦白地讲,一般与老外喝东西的时候,都是各取各的.只有你要请他的时候,才会主动问对方,而且对方见你问他,也知道你会请,所以一般自己不会再说 it‘s my treat,免得尴尬或多此一举.假如你们一开始做在一起喝而且不是即时付账的,最后买单时,你也可以潇洒地说:let me pick up the tab(this time)我来付账好了

英语翻译 I will treat you to drink 可以啊也可以说成I'll treat you to have a drink.I will buy you a drink也可以译成我请你喝饮料啊.不能去掉a,buy sb.a drink是固定搭配


英语“续杯”怎么说? some more cup?

英语翻译 At night I ask you to drink/drinkingAre you free this evening?We'd like to invite you to dinner,thank you have been of help to usHe want to drink several cups of/to drink a few glasses of wineHow do you need?My capacity for liquor is very good/very poorHe drank a little wine,drunk.He drank a lot of wine,but not drunk.He was drunk,please drive him home.

您想再来一杯饮料吗英语 英语翻译



