

英语翻译 I will treat you to drink 可以啊也可以说成I'll treat you to have a drink.I will buy you a drink也可以译成我请你喝饮料啊.不能去掉a,buy sb.a drink是固定搭配

英语翻译 At night I ask you to drink/drinkingAre you free this evening?We'd like to invite you to dinner,thank you have been of help to usHe want to drink several cups of/to drink a few glasses of wineHow do you need?My capacity for liquor is very good/very poorHe drank a little wine,drunk.He drank a lot of wine,but not drunk.He was drunk,please drive him home.

来一杯用英语怎么说 如果指的是酒,那么可以这样表达:你要喝一杯吗?Will you have a drink?我想我要来找你喝一杯。I thought I'd drop over for a drink.和我们一同喝一杯好吗?Will you partake of a drink with us?来一杯吧?How about a drink?我们到酒吧去喝一杯吧?Shall we go to a bar and unwind a little?来一杯威士忌吧Grab yourself a glass of whisky.不,请给我一杯威士忌,\"约翰尼回答说,因为他现在最想做的事就是喝醉。No,a whisky,please,\"Johnny replied,for he wanted than anything in the world to get drunk.如果指的是饮料,可以这样表达:你要再来一杯茶吗?Would you like another cup of tea?来一杯咖啡吗,玛莉?Are you having a coffee,Mary?

英语翻译 1)Would you like something to drink?What would you like?it‘s my treat(this time).2)Would you like a cup of tea?it‘s my treat(this time).3)Would you like a cup of beer/wine?What would you like?it‘s my treat(this time).坦白地讲,一般与老外喝东西的时候,都是各取各的.只有你要请他的时候,才会主动问对方,而且对方见你问他,也知道你会请,所以一般自己不会再说 it‘s my treat,免得尴尬或多此一举.假如你们一开始做在一起喝而且不是即时付账的,最后买单时,你也可以潇洒地说:let me pick up the tab(this time)我来付账好了

英语翻译 账号密码不正确/账号输入有误,请重新输入6 上班时间从上午8点半 调整为 上午9点下班时间从下午6点,调整为下午5点30分

英语“续杯”怎么说? some more cup?

英语翻译 1\\What do you want to drink?Coke or orange juice?2\\What kind of wine would you like to drink?3\\What brand of cigarettes he usually smoke?4\\Let me buy you a drink.5\\Can I have some wine?6\\He drink.


“一杯茶”用英语怎么说? “两杯茶”用英语怎么说? 1.a cup of tea,two cups of tea2.永远是不可数。3.是的。


