英语翻译 当暴风雨来的时候你在干什么


翻译;当暴风雨来临时你正在做什么? What What are you doing when a storm strikes?人工翻译,满意请采纳。网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 科学 汉语 英文 问问 学术 。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号

英语作文,当暴风雨来临时你在做什么,过去进行式 What you were doing as a rainstorm came?If you were a person who'd like to make prepared sufficiently before doing certain affairs,you must be leisurely and carefree to drink a cup of cafe or seat in chair and look out of the windows because anything that those once happened,may make serious results all is early being worked well before heavy rain reaches.Contrarily,when storm was arrive you were doing or had yet been doing something hurry-scurry against its coming such as moving your flowers from outside to inside,closed and locked all the windows,like that.Last but not least,this is the interestingquestion about acting of human in that moment is likely to predicate certain aspect of their character in real life.Thus,that you be a ready man,or not will bring you different undergone regardless at present and in the future.

英语翻译 当暴风雨来的时候你在干什么

当暴风雨来临之前我们应该做些什么? 宝宝知道是由研发,面向备孕、孕期、0-6岁父母的专业母婴知识社区。宝宝知道与三甲医院联手提供定制化及可视化服务。在这里你可以得到孕育知识、权威专家在线答疑。

当暴风雨来的时候你正在干什么?翻译英语 what are you doing when the storm comes

当暴风雨来的时候你正在干什么用英语怎么说(两种) What were you doing when the storm came?What were you doing while the storm was coming?

当暴风雨来临的时候你正在做什么翻译 What were you busy with when the thunder storm was near?仅供参考,望能帮助到你,呵呵!

英语作文当暴风雨来临时你正在做什么? 建议自己尝试写一篇,找文教未来的专业外教给你批改一下,这样才能逐步提高。

英语翻译 What were you doing when a storm came?When a storm comes,I am in the library.I was busy looking for an umbrella that didn't see the car.I was waiting for a bus,suddenly began to rain.I ran to the stat.

当暴风雨来的时候,你的家里人在干什么英语作文80词 today is saturday。i am going shopping with my friends。in the afternoon,i am watching movies。in the evening,we are eating dinner,then,i am washing dishes。


