今晚他们打算干什么?英语翻译 他们打算去干什么英语翻译


他们打算干什么?用英语说 What are they going to do?

他们打算怎样去那 英语翻译 How are they go there希望能解决你的问题,

英语翻译 Where are they going to?Where do they plan to go?He is reading in the classroom.We are going to listen to music.What are you going to do?What do you plan to do?What is he doing?

他们打算明天去干什么 英文翻译

他们星期五打算去干什么用英语写 他们星期五打算去干什么的英文翻译_翻译他们星期五打算去干什么全部释义和例句>;>;What are they going to do on Friday

今晚他们打算干什么?英语翻译 他们打算去干什么英语翻译

他们明天下午打算干什么?(翻译成英文) what are they going to do tomorrow afternoom?

他们打算做什么去旅游英语怎么说? How do they plan to take a trip?希望对你有所帮助,不明白的可以再问,进步。开心。

英语翻译 1.I want to visit grandmother in the weekend2.What are you doing after school?3.They want to take the subway to bookstore4.This afternoon we intend to play chess5.Where are you going tomorrow?6.I went fishing yesterday.7.He bought a bikelast week.8.Did you do homework last night?9.Where did you go in the holidays?10.they went mountain climbing in Wednesday?

今晚他们打算干什么?英语翻译 what are they doing tonight?


