英语翻译:如果我问别人,你一路出去吃饭不,他说不吃,我想表达一个意思“别扫兴嘛”,这意思该怎么表达 Come on,join us,Don't be a party-pooper.party pooper:(社交聚会上)态度冷峻的人,扫大家兴的人,煞风景的人有时我们会约朋友出去吃饭,英语怎么说. 有时我们会约朋友出去吃饭Sometimes we ask our friends out for dinner.英语翻译 1.It's impolite to make fun of the others.2.I'd like to go out for dinner tonight.3.My parents use英语翻译 1.I will have dinner with some friends tonght and will be home late.2.We still meet together where we used to.3.Whom will you have dinner with tonght?Are they your collegues?4.Who will travel with you tomorrow?Are you going to Beijing?5.It is late now and the job can be done tomorrow.The job can be done later on.我想和朋友出去吃饭的英文句子怎么写 我想和朋友出去吃饭I would like to go and have dinner with my firends.英语翻译 treat me to a mealtreat someone to something(treat someone to)provide someone with(food,drink,or entertainment)at one's own expense:the old man had treated him to a drink or two.英语翻译 I‘d.like.to.invite.her to have dinner at my house.这里不会是一个空,如果是虚拟,would have invited也不是一个空英语翻译 Hey,nice to meet you again!we met last year remember we even had(lunch/dinner)together\"问候家人hey,how's the family?你家人最近怎样?I heard that.我听说.之类的.邀请别人would you like to go get a dri.明天没有时间,用英语怎么说? I am busy and not available,could you change to another day,how about to see a movie on Sunday afternoon?不,我想邀请你和我一起出去吃饭【用英语怎么说】 No,I'd like to invite you to join me out for dinner.不,我想邀请你和我一起出去吃饭。
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