你父母是做什么工作的作文 英语翻译:你父母做什么工作?


我要写英语作文 请您写一写 你的父母是干什么的,他做什么去上班,他们的爱好是什么? 中文:我的父母在鞋厂工作,他们早上在5点半起床,他们首先准备好早餐,然后他们就坐汽车去上班,他们工作时间是从早上8点到下午5点.他们大概6点回家并且为我们准备晚饭.晚上,妈妈洗衣服,爸爸经常为我们制作玩具.他们一整天都很忙,我非常感激我的父母.英文:My parents work in a shoe factory.they get up at five thirty.they first get breakfast ready.then they go to work by bus.they work there from eight a.m to five p.m.they come home at about six and prepare super for us.Mother washes clothes in the evening,Father often makes toys for us.they are busy all day.I am grateful for my parents.

你父母是做什么工作的作文 英语翻译:你父母做什么工作?


请介绍一下你父母的情况,包括:做什么工作,在哪里工作,怎么去上班及其爱好等的英语作文 My Parents and I我和我的父母There are three people in my family,my parents and I.We live happily together.Every morning,mother makes breakfast for us.Sometimes,it’s my father’s job.And then,father d.

英语作文,150字左右 长大后想做什么工作?父母想让你做什么工作? My DreamWhen I was a child,I wanted to be a teacher.I thanks my teacher much because he taught me a lot.On my tenth birthday,my father asked me,“What do you want to be when you grow up?I answered proudly,“I want to be a teacher。On hearing this,my father was very happy and said to me,“Work hard and your dream will come true.”I wish When I came into the classroom,the children were were very happy.I introduced myself to them.Soon,I got on well with them.They all liked me and I loved them.With my father and headmaster's help,I did the work very well.我的梦想在我小的时候,我想做一名老师.我非常感谢我的老师,因为他交给我很多东西.在我十岁生日那天,我爸爸问我:“长大了想做什么啊?我自豪地回答,\"我想当老师。听我这么说,我爸爸非常高兴地对我说,\"努力吧你的梦想会实现的我希望当我走进教室,孩子们都非常高兴,我向他们介绍自己,并很快与他们和睦相处.孩子们都喜欢我,我也爱他们.最后在爸爸和同事的帮助下,我把这个工作做的很好.你看这样写可以吗?

一篇作文,要求:观察父母为你做了什么?你应该为父母做什么?写出你观察到什么和你的心得! 你们老师真是。没水平!父母对子女的爱是天性,就像老母鸡对小鸡崽儿。孩子对父母的爱也是天性,怀胎十月,血浓于水。怎么会因为父母为你做了什么就回报他们什么呢,爱不是交易!爱也不能做交易。你上几年级?如果你上了初中或者高中,我建议你写一篇反面文章,呵呵,按我说的那个写。我上高中的时候就经常和语文老师对着来,其实不是故意的,只是他出的题目,我总是有和别人不一样的想法,我的老师很好,他不但不给我小鞋穿,还特别栽培我。如果你还上小学,那就规规矩矩的写,呵呵、你可以写,父母牺牲睡眠,早起为你做饭,晚上和周末放弃娱乐,陪你背书,做功课。为了丰富你的课余生活,带你去野外增长见闻。他们自己省吃俭用(别太夸张),但是对你学习上的投入,丝毫不吝啬,只盼望你将来能有出息,做一个对社会有用的人,等等。你很感激他们为你付出的一切。(望子成龙,望女成凤是我们那个年代的流行词,现在应该很少提了吧。你呢,现在还在上学,可以为他们做的就是不让他们操心,好好学习,不打架,不惹祸,用优异的成绩来回报他们辛勤的付出。

英语作文:你的爸爸、妈妈分别是做什么工作的?他们每天怎样上下班? I love my family,because I have a happy family.My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What’s my 。


