刘老师已经搬到上海去了英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.That park has become a modern building.2.I have learned much about the past and present of Suzhu.3.By the way,we moved to another apartment in 1990.4.Has the government taken measures to decrease the air pollution?5.I usually feel tired by the hard work.

刘老师已经搬到上海去了英文翻译 英语翻译

完成句子 1、最近你忙吗?( )recently ?2、吴老师已经搬到上海去了。Mr .wu ( )Shanghai。 1、最近你忙吗?Are 3、我们还未收到他的来信。We() 4、你给你老师写过信了吗?()your teacher?5、这是我曾看过的最好的船模型。This is the best boat model() 。

英语翻译 您好。May will fly to Italy next weekTwo years ago,he lived in GermanyShe has lived in London for three years.Last month he returned to Beijing.He is our new next-door neighborHe will go to Paris next.

英语翻译 he brouhgt a new book with him 他带了一本新书please take the letter to the post office 把信带到邮局mary has gone to fectch water 玛丽已经去取水了let me carry the box for you 我来给你那这个盒子吧the teacher lets every students answer aquestion 老师让每个学生都回答一个问题i have a problem can you help me 我有件事你能帮我个忙吗


