我最喜欢的城市是长沙翻译 我最喜欢的城市英语作文(六年级写上海)



我来自长沙有关英语小短文十句话,带翻译 我来自美丽的星城长沙,它是一个美丽的城市。我来自美丽的星城长沙,它是一个美丽的城市。I come from the beautiful star Changsha,it is a beautiful city。.

求一篇英文作文 题目(我最喜欢的城市)有汉语翻译 MY FAVOURITE CITYMy favourite city is Changsha,I was born in changsha,where their is very beautiful and clean.with the devolopment of people's living standars,it's becoming increasingly important to live in a comfortable city,don't worry.Changsha is the best one.let me introduce it for you.first,there are too much delicious food in the street.second,people there is very pretty.third,the weather is comfortable,nither too hot nor too cold.so,I like changsha very very much.我最7a64e58685e5aeb931333337373561喜欢的城市我最喜欢的城市是长沙的,我出生在长沙,在那里他们很漂亮又干净。发展与人们的生活标准,它是变得越来越重要,生活在一个舒适的城市,别担心。长沙是最好的。让我介绍一下。第一,有太多的美食在街上。第二,那里的人们很漂亮。第三,天气很舒适所以,我非常非常喜欢长沙。

英语翻译 1.Tomorrow Jim willbe 15 years old.2.Tomorrow my grandpa will not go fishing.3.will you come to Changsha next month?4.When will we meet again.5.in the future the city will have trees and flowers.

长沙或一个内地城市的英文介绍 Introduction to ChangshaHunan Province,1,419km(882 miles)SE of Chongqing,707km(440 miles)N of GuangzhouChangsha is another hazy,congested,modern Chinese city hurrying to divest itself of any architectural trace of its past.But it is the capital of Hunan Province and gateway to one of the Five Sacred Mountains of Daoism and the gorgeous scenic area of the World Heritage Site,Wu Ling Yuan.It is also home to one of the most exciting tomb collections in China-the Mawang Dui,which dates from the Western Han dynasty.The city itself-most often associated with Mao and the model worker Lei Feng-receives few foreign tourists.While Western visitors are fairly common,most come here not to see sights,but to research dissertations or adopt babies from Changsha's orphanage.In the international hotels,it's not unusual to see a large table of wide-eyed European couples,each cradling a new Chinese baby girl.

我最喜欢的城市是长沙翻译 我最喜欢的城市英语作文(六年级写上海)


