我其它学科都很好,现在就是感觉化学那些实验很难,太多东西了,而且很多知识点都是老师上课做实验时说一下就带过了,书上也没有做题时发现实验这块很多题都不会,比如用 高锰酸钾制取氧气为什么要先取出导管再熄灭酒精灯这种题啦,感觉化学题都是一些记的,不向物理题那样就算难努力想也可以想出来,化学那些性质啊还可以,但我就怕使用仪器这样的题化学题老师不给你说根本就不会,到底该怎么办啊。
求中译英 I think the black hole theory is hard to understand.To complete the experiment,the scientist on time never go to bed before midnight.The young man never goes to bed before midnight.That even the traf.
短句汉译英 1.I feel the theory of the black hole is very difficult to understand.2.In order to finish the experiment on time,this scientist has never gone to bed before midnight.3.There is very little chance for.
英语翻译 1.I think the Black Hole Theory is very difficult to understand.2.In order to complete his experiment,the scientist has never got to bed before midnight.3.The research taken by that young man is imposible to be successful.4.Even the police do not know the cause of the accident.5.I'd rather hope that he buy this house(in)the next year.
为什么大家说数学实验班提优训练难,我做起来却感觉和老师要求的启航新课堂一样简单。可我却不会做新方法 其他回答2113的人都没搞懂人家问的5261什么问题,正巧我知道这几本书,总体上4102黄东坡的新方法是应付低层1653次竞赛或者对付学科特长生的,超级课堂这个书不错,可以作为解题套路范本,并夹杂部分竞赛题,实验班提优训练确实比一般同步教辅参考书要难,如果你能完全搞定实验班提优训练,考个重点高中没什么问题。?