英语翻译 This article mainly introduced from the mechanical and electrical profession the present our country mechanical and electrical profession exists the product low price competition export phenomenon,and from the enterprise,national and the livelihood of the people angle enumerated the evil consequence which this kind of phenomenon brought,formed the low price competition export through the analysis the reason,obtained the enterprise to manage the main body to be scattered,the export disorder,the policies and regulations were not very perfect and the present our country's scientific research technical level are not very advanced,to introduce the foreign capital to lack the supervision are cause our country the export market the low price competition phenomenon primary cause.Unifies the Japanese Enterprise Toyota automobile and the Chinese backgammon electron case analysis,proposed in view of the low price export phenomenon suggestion:Has grasped the essential raw material mechanical and 。英语翻译 英语翻译 As the establishment and improvement of Modern commercial banking system,commercial banks are facing stringent regulation.All these require that commercial banks must keep improving their interna.监管系统的翻译是regulating system,regulatory,还是regulation? 思考了很久,不到相关问题。相同意思的动名词、形容词、名词,用于修饰名词时有什么区别?谢谢各位解…
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