你本学期最想做什么 这学期你想干什么



英语作文:下学期你要干什么事情?急, The new term will begin,Now I want to make plans for the next termFirst,I will make a study plan to help me finish my lessons and homework every day.This is my main plan because I am a student and t.

以下学期你将干什么为题写一篇英语作文,包括你将干什么,如何去做 My Plan For Next TermTowards the end of this term,everyone has a plan for his study for the newterm.I’m now studying in a senior middle school.As a student,mypresent dream is entering a famous university to go on with my study aftermy graduation from the senior middle school.After my graduationfrom university I’ll find a good job to do.How should I realize my dream?I have to make a good plan for next term.Since my oral is stillpoor,I want to have oral practice with a teacher of every weekendin case I’m free.I’m sure I can raise my oral ability as long as I havehard practice with him.If I can raise my oral level,I’m sure I’ll havethe opportunity to enter the university for further study and hence realizemy dream of serving our country better in the future.


大四上学期都干什么 首先必须自己要有信心,还有明白一点就是:不要说没有经验别人就不要你,总会有一家企业肯收留毕业生的,只有你够努力去找,去试!我觉得大四上学期应该是开始了解社会和准备工作的时候了。虽然大四上学期课程相对少了点,但还是要在学校的,下学期就可以不回校了,所以通常都是在下学期开始工作的。如果你报考大学的时候没有想清楚自己的方向,自己要什么样的工作的话,你可以在大四上学期去了解一下,或者可以到校外,或者可以上网看看,然后好好去准备一下。最后就是该干嘛就干嘛去!希望我的想法能帮到你,而且被你采纳,这样的话我就会有经验值和财富增加了,请你采纳我的说法吧!

你本学期最想做什么 这学期你想干什么

你本学期最想做什么 就是把本学期的内容全部掌握并熟练运用。

如果学校这学期不开学,你最想干什么? 去西藏。长沙 云南大理 苏州杭州…哪里都想去 我快疯了 不开学?不开学也没法旅游吧… 想去的地方啊…现在想去西藏、伦敦、东京吧

