你现在应该戒烟了用英语怎么说 戒烟用英文怎么说


戒烟用英文怎么说 一、quit smoking戒烟;戒菸例句:1、I was trying to quit smoking at the time.当时我正在努力戒烟。2、It's not easy to quit smoking cigarettes戒烟并非易事。二、give up smoking读音:英[ɡiv ?p ?sm??k??]美[ɡ?v ?p ?smok??]忌烟例句:1、I've been trying to give up smoking for getting on for two years now到现在,我设法戒烟已快两年了。2、The time has arrived when I need to give up smoking.我戒烟的时机已到。三、stop smoking读音:英[st?p ?sm??k??]美[stɑp ?smok??]戒烟例句:1、I persuaded him to stop smoking.我说服他戒烟。2、I've been told to lose weight and stop smoking我被告知要减肥并戒烟。扩展资料:no smoking禁止吸烟例句:1、The captain turned out the 'no smoking' signs队长把“严禁吸烟”的标志牌都翻了过来。2、No smoking in any indoor facilities.所有室内场所都不许吸烟。3、The notice on the wall says\"no smoking\".墙上的告示写着“请勿吸烟”4、I want a seat in the no smoking section.我要一个禁烟区的座位。5、Post\"No Smoking\"and\"No Open Flames。

你现在应该戒烟了用英语怎么说 戒烟用英文怎么说


你戒烟多久了?英语翻译 很高兴为你解答!以下是最标准的翻译。希望对你有所帮助。说明:stop/quit/end/start/begain/come/go/leave/arrive等一类的瞬间动词,不可以与表示一段时间的时间状语 连用。所以本句翻译用以下句型:1)你戒烟多久了?How long is it/has been it since you stopped/quit smoking?所以,你的句子是不正确的。2)他已经戒烟3年了,你就不要让他再抽烟了。It has been 3 years snce he stopped smoking。Please don‘t let him smoke again。3)咱们上一次去游乐场是在什么时候呢?When did we go to the amusement park last time?4)我们上次去游乐场 还是 三年前。It was 3 years ago when we went to the amusement park last time。如果满意,请采纳。学习进步、快乐!


你应该戒烟了用英语怎么说 You should give up smoking.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。

你应该戒烟了用英语怎么说 You should give up smoking.

你应该戒烟了.用英语怎么说 you should give up smokingyou should stop smokingYou should quit smoking.都可以.

你必须戒烟用英语怎么说?还有忍不住哭了? You have to stop smokingCould not forbear to cry应该是这样吧,我在线翻译的,因为我英语也烂的可以。


