七年级英语书教材全解 最新教材七年级上册英语九单元作文


我要购买人教版七年级英语上的教材,网上哪里有卖? 如果是单本的到新华书店应该有吧,我同学没了本生物书,没想到学校图书馆有卖,要是定批就去淘宝拍拍什么的看下

七年级上册英语书单词表,旧版的,最好能列出比新版多的单词,急! 序号Chinese1读2113/看这本书read this book2照顾5261look after怎样照顾你的电子狗how to look after your e-dog3(与)某人4102交朋友make friends(with sb.)4第一天the first day5向某人作自我1653介绍introduce oneself to sb.6在七年级一班in Class 1,Grade 7=in Class One,Grade Seven7热爱读书love readinglove/like/enjoy doing sth.喜爱做某事喜爱踢足球love playing football8喜欢听音乐like listening to the music9喜爱玩电脑游戏enjoy playing computer games10来自…come from…=be from…11努力学习(工作)work hard12擅长于…;在…主面做得好be good at…=do well in…13在阅读兴趣小组/参加英语兴趣小组in the Reading Club/in the Club14戴眼镜wear glasses15开始认识这些学生get to know the students16早上好。下午好。Good morning./Good afternoon.晚上好。(晚上见面)Good evening.晚安。(睡前告别)Good night.17做笔记make notes18出生be born19踢足球/打羽毛球play football/badminton20在足球场on the football field21在羽毛球场on the 。

七年级英语下册英语书全部翻译 our petty tasks,hardly aware of our listless attitude

七年级下学期我该买什么资料书?只包括语文、数学、英语 语文可以考虑《奇迹课堂》我个人觉得不错,语文一直都用它数学可以考虑《五年模拟三年中考》英语可以买一些首字母填空和阅读方面的练习册

七年级英语书教材全解 最新教材七年级上册英语九单元作文

最新教材七年级上册英语九单元作文 Dear*:636f70793231313335323631343130323136353331333332393437How are you?I have Chanese,math,science,geographty,music,P.E.Math is my favorite subject.Because it's difficult but interesting.I have math is on Monday.At 8:00,I have math.At 9:00,I have Chinese.At10:00,I have English.After that.I have P.E.It's reaxing at 11:00.I have lunch from 12:00 to 1:00.In the afternoon.I have music.Yours


七年级下册谁知道英语书的目录(人教版) Unit1 Where's your pen pal from?Unit2 Where's the post office?Unit3 Why do you like koalas?Unit4 I want to be an actor.Unit5 I'm watching TV.Unit6 It's raining。Unit7 What does he look like?Unit8 I'd like some noodles.Unit9 How was your weekend?Unit10 Where did you go on vacation?Unit11 What do you think of game shows?Unit12 Don't eat in class.

急求,现在湖南七年级英语用的是什么版本的教材,有图片的发个图片,或者说详细一点.谢谢. 蓝色的-和 黄橙色的 最下面 有四副图片 有白种人和 黄种人没有黑种人


