六年级英语语音版 六年级上册英语:选出每一组发音不同的一项


六年级上册英语语音题 1.come welcome()2.broom bedroom()3.this think()4.peach please()5.class banana()6.there where()7.morning sorry()8.who what()9.look afternoon()10.about back()11.pencil cinema()12.mouth playground()13.show down()14.goodbye zoo()15.classmate favourite()16.nurse girl()17.man policeman()18.telephone forty()19.hello who()20.on son()21.many apple()22.sister policeman()23.sure February()24.idea great()25.of off()26.photo very()

六年级上册英语:选出每一组发音不同的一项 六年级上册的英语636f70793231313335323631343130323136353331333335346136主要是五个元音字母的长元音和特殊元音组合。第一部分,五个元音字母的长元音。a-e(as in Dave,wave and cave)sake cake bake lakename shame game sameane Jane cane plane maneate Kate late date hateRhyme:Pat a cake,pat a cake,baker's man.Bake me a cake as fast as you can.Roll it and pat it and mark it with a B.Put it in the oven for baby and me.e-e(as in these,Chinese and Japanese)EvePeteRhyme:These are baby's fingers,these are baby's toes.i-e(as in ride,hide and wide)white bite kiteMike bike likevine line wine pineRhyme:Three blind mice,three blind mice.o-e(as in rose and nose)Coke joke smoke wokeole hole molerose nose pose hosehome Rome dome tomeRhyme:Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep.u-e(as in Luke,use and fuse)use muse fuseute cute muteRhyme:I use my feet to walk.第二部分:特殊元音组:ow(as in owl and towel)ow bow how cow wowtown down clown crownou(as in house and mouse)found 。

六年级英语在线翻译 I want to be a teacher5?4.I will be the goalkeeper61.The big eyes of a man is my uncle2.The teacher in red taller than my mother3.Which bag weighs a little This one or that one

六年级英语语音版 六年级上册英语:选出每一组发音不同的一项

六年级英语发音急啊 stream cleam的ea发音相同吗

六年级英语单词辨音 1.catch watch(a)blow know(ow)corner world(or)cartoon room(oo)catch 的a发音是[?],与其他几个都不一样,其他的发[?:]2.this kite film give(划线为i)kite的i发音为[ai],其他的都是[i]3.bread read head sweater(划线为ea)read的ea发音为[i:],其他的都是[e]4.brother sister tiger her(划线为er)her的er发音为长音[?:],其他的发音都是短音[?]5.ear hear bear near(划线为ear)bear的ear发音为[ε?],其他的都是[i?]

六年级上册英语:选出每一组发音不同的一项 六年级上册的英语主要是五个元音字母的长元音和特殊元音组合.第一部分,五个元音字母的长元音.a-e(as in Dave,wave and cave)sake cake bake lakename shame game sameane Jane cane plane maneate Kate late date.

六年级的小学生英语单词不会发音,用什么电子辞典好? 多听听英语磁带,书都有配套的磁带的,没有的话可以去网上搜索,这样不仅可以锻炼听力也可以记住单词怎么读

六年级英语 第一题看不懂,puppiesWhat.favourite


