哦对 我想起来了 英文 英语翻译



英语问题(我想起来了) I hit that.It comes to me.I come up with that.I think of it.It reminds me.I get it.

“我想起来了”用英文怎么说? 多些说法,地道的。 I hit that.It comes to me.I come up with that.I think of it.It reminds me.I get it.

英语翻译 I don't have confidence towards women any I just want to close myself in.

英语翻译 1.Although these knowledges are something naive by now,it is my preliminary exploration of life at that time.2.Why the crabs's back will turn into orange but the stomach won't change the colour when they are cooked?3.Why the eyes are sensitivest with green?4.In the moning why we are higher than in night?


我刚才一下忘记怎么说了,现在突然想起来了.英文怎么说? 很高兴为你服务我刚才一下忘记I forgot a moment ago现在突然想起来了Now suddenly thought

哦对 我想起来了 英文 英语翻译

“我想起来了”用英文怎么说? I hit that.It comes to me.I come up with that.I think of it.It reminds me.I get it.

汉翻译成英文: 我想起来了他也许对我们的计划感兴趣 I remmbered that he maybe intereted to our plan

对了,我想起来了,半年前在×地我见过你 I am sure I have seen you beforeOh yeah,I remember。I saw you in.half a year ago

#哦对 我想起来了 英文

