翻译个论文题目,关键字已给出 论文标题的翻译已有的研究


论文需要英文题目和摘要,大大们翻译下吧 CurrentandFutureDevelopmentTrendsinParent-ChildCommunicationResearc 'spersonaldevelopmentandithasbeenamajorresearchdirectionwithregardstoparent-。

翻译个论文题目,关键字已给出 microfanance\"是否应该是:microfinance?翻译:A study on the problems and solutions in the rural microfinance

论文题目翻译 Study for Impacts of Group Psychology Counseling/Guidance(2选1)for Psychology of Those Poor Rural Undergraduates作为标题,各单词首字母,大写;介词、连词除外供参

求英汉互译研究(翻译)的论文题目?主要是没概念,麻烦研究硕士生给点良好建议或是帮我选题吧,是学位沦 呵呵 去 英汉 互译论!

谁能帮忙翻译几个论文题目,急!!(送出高分!!) 1.Development of the Human Race,20052.Comparation Analysis on the Life Quality of Domestic Population.3.Modernization of the Population and the Priority of Education Development.4.The Contribution of the Improvement of Population Quanlity to the Economic Growth:A Quantity analysis.5.The Conceiving&Evaluation of the\"Comprehensive Index on Population Quality\".6.The report on Sustainable Development Strategy in China.7.The Research on the Index Assess System of Population Modernization.8.Fuzzy Maths&Its Economic Analysis.9.the Science Press/10.Standards Press of China11.China Statistics Press12.China Statistical Yearbook 200713.China Labor Statistical Yearbook 2007


麻烦帮忙翻译一下论文题目 1.Studies on the Brand-Establishemnt of Private Enterprises2.Problems and Strategies of Chinese Electric Appliance Enterprises in the International Management3.A Brief Analysis of the Problems and Strategies in the Techonogical Innovation of Chinese Medium and Small Enterprises

翻译个论文题目,关键字已给出 论文标题的翻译已有的研究


