英语介绍我的家乡——山西临汾? 欢迎来到我的家乡。山西省是我的家乡,它有着悠久的历史。山西的特产有陈醋,汾酒,小米等。你可以到山西的各个地方去吃各地的特产,和参观各地的景点。我随时欢迎你的到来。我爱我的家乡 Welcome to my hometown。Shanxi Province is my hometown,it has a long history.A specialty of shanxi mature vinegar,fenjiu,millet,etc.You can go to all parts of the shanxi eat around the specialty,and visit the scenic spots around the.I am ready to welcome your arrival.I love my hometown英语介绍我的家乡——山西临汾 我的家乡—山西临汾: My hometown,Linfen,is known as the\"flower and fruit city\".It also has the nickname\"Snail City\"and\"Pingyang mansion\".Linfen is the first 。我的家乡 英语作文 My home town is a beautiful place.It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work.They lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated.Since then great changes have taken place there.The streets have been widened.Factories,schools,hospitals,cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved.I love my hometown.All the I love its people.They are working hard so as to make it still richer and beautiful.我的家乡临汾英语作文带翻译 Linfen is a prefecture-level city in southernShanxi province,People's Republic of China.It is situated along the banks of the Fen River.It has an area of 20,275 square kilometres(7,828 sq mi)and according to the 2010 Census,a population of 4,316,612 inhabitants of which 944,050 live in the built-up(or metro)area made up of Yaodu urban district.It was known as Pingyang(平阳)during the Spring and Autumn Period.Prior to 1978,Linfen was famous for its spring water,greenery and rich agriculture and therefore nicknamed\"The Modern Fruit and Flower Town\".Since then it has been developing into a main industrial center for coal mining,which has been seriously damaging the city's environment,air quality,farming,health and its past status as a green village.临汾位于山西省西南部,因地处汾水之滨而得名。临汾市土地总面积20275平方千米。2010年第六次全国人口普查,临汾全市常住人口为4316612人。春秋时期,韩建都平阳。该市是华北地区重要的粮棉生产基地;该市自然资源丰富,是中国三大优质主焦煤基地之一。英语介绍我的家乡--山西临汾 walnut Fenyang,Zeshan the date,andso on,are very famous.Fenjiu Xinghua Village of Fenyang there,the old mature vinegar Qingxu particularly famous,already sold 。英语介绍我的家乡——山西运城 Introductionofmyhometown-YunchengYunchengisseatinthesouthofShanxiprovince,whichisskirtedonthreesidesbyLvliangMountainsandTaihangMountains,。
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