大桥路三号英语 英语翻译



大桥路三号英语 英语翻译

沿着大桥街走的三种形式 walk down the Bridge Streetwalk along the Bridge Streetfollow the Bridge Street

请问南京市大桥南路3号华侨城213号A幢12层,翻译成英文 12th 12th floor,A Block,No.213,Hua Qiao Cheng,Daqiao Road,S.3rd,Nanjing City.一般地址英文翻译要结合当地道路语言标示,这样才方便找到你所描述的地方。.

london tower bridge, the golden gate bridge, yangpu bridge 的英文简介 后两个有需要的话只能自己翻译好吗1.TOWER BRIDGE LONDON Originally,London Bridge was the only crossing over the Thames.As London grew,so bridges were added,but these were all to the west of Lo.

英语翻译 1 three times as wide as2 two times wider3 three times the width第三句除了中国人,少见有人用

英语翻译 1.turn right on First Street2.The post office is on the left of Central Street.3.The opposite of the supermarket is an old house.4.They walked by the park on Bridge Street.5.The platform is opposite to the classroom.6.There is some apple trees in front of my house.7.The supermarket is on a prosperous street.

英语翻译 我认为应该是这样的:1.By the end of last month,Nanjing had already established 3 bridges.2.Tomorrow this time,we will travel in Thailand.3.In receives each one side,has the new building to rise straight from the ground.


