英语翻译 1.Go 是动词,up 是介词,hill是名词(山).区别在于the,有the是指就是这个山,没the是指山(没有特指哪座山).2.Go straight,after passing a cross,where you can see the outlet.3.I am a fresh man here too,not familiar with here,maybe you can check out with other people or the administrater here.4.Do you want me to take a picture for you?5.Are you take my help for granted?
这句话用英文怎么说:我不可能每次一放假往你那跑 因为我爸一看见我在外面的话就把我 I can't go to you every time I have a holiday because my dad just beat me up when he saw me out there.<;br/>;还望采纳,谢谢诶
英语翻译 问问这是什么破规则。不管答案正确与否,时间早了就可以发,晚了就是再正确也不给发.
沿着这条路往前走100米 用英语怎么说 Go ahead 100 meters along this street
英语翻译 你从学校出来先往左拐,然后一直往前走。直到看到一个路口,然后你向左拐,接着往前走,直到看到一个小区,然后走进去。我会在我家门口等着你when you walk out of the 。