预言者的英语翻译 预言者用英语怎么说 预言者 英语怎么说


预言者的英文单词是什么 seer seer soothsayer 预言者[简明汉英词典]augur predictor prognosticator prophet seer soothsayer vaticinator 。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号

英语翻译 I did not exist to write poems,to preach or to paint,neither I nor anyone else.All of that was incidental.Each man had only one genuine vocation-to find the way to himself.He might end up as poet or madman,as prophet or criminal-that was not his affair,ultimately it was of no concern.His task was to discover his own destiny-not an arbitrary one-and live it out wholly and resolutely within himself.Everything else was only a would-be existence,an attempt at evasion,a flight back to the ideals of the masses,conformity and fear of one's own inwardness.此为原版

预言者的英语翻译 预言者用英语怎么说 预言者 英语怎么说

热门单词:\ Octopus oracle Paul is predicting Germany will be defeated by Spain at the World Cup semifinal.(章鱼保2113罗预测德国在半决赛中将被西班牙打败。5261)上句中,“predict”就4102是“预言”的意思,可能很多1653人都熟悉,相应的,“预言家”就是“predictor”了。除此之外,还有几个单词能表示类似的意思,他们之间有细微的差别。1.prophet:这个词比较侧重于宗教方面,可以理解为我们常听到的“先知”,比如说:the Prophet of the Old Testament.(《旧约》中的先知)2.fortuneteller:这个词与其翻译成“预言家”,我们更常用的倒是“算命者”,就是那些号称能通过看手相解读人生的人。3.foreseer:来自于动词“foresee”,这个词就没有上述几个那么玄乎了,表示“有先见之明的人”。比如说:He foresaw that the job would take a long time.(他预见到做这件工作需要很长时间。以利沙旧约全书中记载的一个希伯来预言家,以利亚选为他的继承人In the Old Testament,a Hebrew prophet who was chosen by Elijah to be his successor.那个预言家以他的理论而出名。That seer is famous for his theory.prophetseervaticinatorseirNostradamus

预言者的英文单词是什么 seersoothsayer预言者[简明汉英词典]augurpredictorprognosticatorprophetseersoothsayervaticinator

#预言者 英语怎么说

