目标产物用英语怎么说 什么是目标产物?


英语翻译 Enterprise's internal control system is the inevitable outcome of the business enterprise management modernization,strengthen internal control system is to establish a modern enterprise system constru.

什么是目标产物? 1)减少物质利用过程的原材料需求;(2)减少物质利用过程向自然环境输出的废物流量,同时应使废物组成特性尽可能达到与自然生态过程相容;(3)对进入自然环境的废物设置物流交换隔离屏障,避免废物对环境生态的直接冲击与破坏。

“目标”的英文单词是什么? 用于:1.对象=target,objective2.目的=goal,aim,objective

目的产物的英文缩写怎么写? Objective productOP

英语翻译 With the deepening of economic globalization,the rapid development of the Internet,increasingly competitive market,survival and development of enterprises facing severe challenges.Event marketing as an inevitable product of the information explosion era,from the beginning of 20th century the majority of development,at present in China have been at the stage of rapid development,because it embodies the essence of the wide range of traditional marketing means,while also reducing the cost of publicity,has begun attracted the attention of enterprises,especially small and medium enterprises in China.A growing number of enterprises using the power of event marketing to expand awareness,at the same time to enhance and maintain brand image.However,due to the lack of a solid theoretical foundation and in-depth study on the actual combat operations,in the implementation process,often is not satisfactory.Therefore,there is a need of the essential features of event marketing,implementation process。

目标用英语怎么说 aimvt.目的在于;引导2113;把…对准vi.打算;对准目标5261;瞄准n.目的;目标;对准短语4102aim of 致力于;瞄准;旨在Ability aim 能力目1653标aim for 力争;瞄准;针对;目的在于;使针对;使旨在;致力于;把…用于(at):例句:The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.这次访问旨在加强两国间的关系。to aim a satire at snobbery使讽刺针对势利

化学合成中的产物用TM表示,全称是什么? 合成的产物 合成的产物 目标分子(Target Molecule)的缩写 我是第一个答的, 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 科学 汉语 英文 问问。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号

化学合成中的产物用TM表示,全称是什么? 合成的产物目标分子(Target Molecule)的缩写我是第一个答的,

目标产物用英语怎么说 什么是目标产物?


