英文翻译 豌豆来黄自is a traditional Beijing snacks,had the same volume with kidney beans imported Qinggong become Imperial brands.豌豆知黄道pale yellow color,delicate cool sweet of the entrance that is the summer heat Jiapin.
北京小吃英文介绍 驴打滚 soybean cake 艾窝窝 Steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing) 炒肝 Stewed Liver 糖卷果 Chinese yam and date rolls 姜丝排叉 Fried ginger slices 。
你知道一些北京小吃的英文吗?比如:驴打滚等等. 中译英分直译和意译,哪一种能准确表达北京小吃的内涵和中国饮食文化的博大精深,则为首选,但要做到这点有一定难度.所以,许多北京小吃的英文菜单最终确定为以汉语拼音代替英文,像“豆汁”就直接用拼音写为“DOUZHIR”.
我最喜欢北京的小吃用英语怎么说 驴打滚soybeancake艾窝窝Steamedricecakeswithsweetstuffing)炒肝StewedLiver糖卷果Cneseyamanddaterolls姜丝排叉Friedgingerslices奶油。
北京特产 英文名称哪位大侠告知一些北京特产的英文名称,比如说驴打滚、豌豆黄、茯苓饼等等,谢谢
中文菜单翻译成中英文对照菜单 外宾宴会菜单 外宾宴会菜单 餐前法式面包配黄油 精细江南八美碟 经典鹿茸烩乌鱼蛋汤 法国喀曼波特芝士香烤深海银鳕鱼 煎焗新西兰小羊排 鲜虾麻婆豆腐配鲜松茸香汤 。
英语翻译 I like to eat at the hotel.In fact,I have a week to eat out once or twice a meal.I was busy during the day,at night sometimes feel tired,so to find a quiet spot and relax.I like to go to the snack bar.