对比对照类作文范文英语 求一篇用对比手法写的英语作文,150字,内容是,高中和大学生活学习的对比.不要整篇COPY


中西方文化差异英语作文 The culture differences between the East and WestAs we know,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the d.

英语对比类作文怎么写 我的家中有四季的花,每当它们含苞待放时,我都会给它们精神上和物质上的助长,待它们繁花似锦时,我便会有一种心花怒放的喜悦感。家中这些形态各异,婀娜多姿的花王们,使我赏心悦目。但是,在2007年的一天夜晚,在冰冷且凄凉的环境里开出的那朵花,才让我醉入心底,以致于现在仍记忆犹新。我认定这才是花圣。那天下午,我极度的想回家,但在那狂风咆哮的大冬天,没有一点星月的光亮,谁也不肯放着暖暖的宿舍不住而随我奔波回家,最终,我还是决定自己回趟家。伴随着人群我走着,但是,走到岔路口时,家近的人都到了,要么就拐弯了。刹那间,我的神经紧绷,黑漆漆的大路任由我一个人走,真有种“台独”而落魄的感觉。

英语对比手法作文,300字 Contrast and comparison between China and America 中国与美国的对比China is a big resurgent country,with the economy growing fast and steady,seconding herself to only very few countries.Being a socialist country consists of 56 nations,China is led by the Communist Party.Stretching itself from the very eastern coast to the western land,it creates a rich variation in landscapes.The average altitude of the western area can reach as high as 4,000 meters,while that of the eastern part is as low as 100 meters,dividing the country generally into three stairs accordingly.As for the climate,in the southern part,it is subtropical,while in north China,seasons are with great distinction.China is an ancient country,with a history as long as 5,000 years.China also has the biggest population of than 1.3 billion.The people there are with yellow skin,brown or black eyes and black hair.Its official language is Mandalin.America is a developed country and plays the leading role throughout the world。.

英语观点对比型作文的模板,正规一点. (1)\\x09立论型It is wellknow/As we all know_(论点)why Firstly_(supporting sentences).Secondly,_(supporting sentences)Thirdly,_(supporting sentences).Finally_(supportin.

关于孝敬父母的英语作文。不少于100字。 Be obedient to parents.As children grow up,parents begin to mold their disciplinary and emotional qualities by setting rules and requiring chores.Children can honor their parents by following the set.

对比对照类作文范文英语 求一篇用对比手法写的英语作文,150字,内容是,高中和大学生活学习的对比.不要整篇COPY

一个人过去和现在的对比 英语作文 80词 Two years ago,I was a very naughty and intractable girl.I hated going to school and doing homework,I hated all the teachers.But then somebody came into my life,Mr.Green,my teacher.He taught me so patiently and showed me how interesting study was.Now I love study and I am good at English.I can even deliver a speech in My parents are so proud of me and I just find out that is so amazing to be a good child.I feel so lucky I met Mr.Green.Thank you.字数故意写的有点多,楼主可以根据自己情况删一删.好请采纳。谢谢

求一篇用对比手法写的英语作文,150字,内容是,高中和大学生活学习的对比.不要整篇COPY In high school,we are busy all day with our study,we have many courses and a lot of work awaiting us to complete.Learning follow an order,keep studing every day,we have many tasks.We are always imaging the campus life,we lose our freedom becauese all of us want to go to better universitise.So we should did our best to study.But in univercity,it is different,I can have time not only for study but also for many things.we have a lot of discretionary leisure time and we becomes independent.In spare time,we can take a variety of colorful activities and have leisure time to increase our knowledges.

写一篇描写人物的英语作文(高中水平)急。 In my memory,the person who has left me the deepest impression is my father,who works as a teacher in a school.He loves his job and enjoys being with his students.Whenever his students ask.


描写人的英语作文中英对照 My teacher is a beautiful and generous person.She has a pair of bright big eyes and a high become warped nose,and a mouth will smile,will be angry.Her kindness。.


