想问一下,有谁有实用英语语音学的翻译吗 英语语音学翻译



请问谁有《英语语音学基础实用教程》的MP3? 你可以在这个网站看看,即时学英语网,这个网站包括单词记忆,发音,翻译等功能。你自己google一下“即时学英语”就好这个需要注册,点在线版登陆,选择课程后,就可以查看了,还有在线视频教程,模拟考场等功能,如果你要使用单机版,直接下载就可以,不用注册最重要的是免费,挺不错的,推荐你去看看。

英语语音学 第三版全文翻译 拼音与英语的区别拼音是一个字母一个音:a(啊)o(哦)e(鹅)i(衣)u(乌)u(鱼)但是英语是一个字母有多个音:a有3个音,e有2个音a有3个音—ei()A()Q发(ei)—baby(宝贝),face(脸),lady(女士),game(游戏)发(A)—father(父亲),china(中国)发()—apple(苹果),bag(包),hat(帽),cat(猫)e有2个音—i:()e()发i:()音—he(他),she(她),me(我)bee(蜜蜂)发e()音—egg(鸡蛋),let(让),get(得到),rest(休息)例如:苹果a-p-p-l-e,大象e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t,单独记字母就如记笔画无异。我们按音节记忆:ap-ple,e-le-phant,fa-ce,ba-by,ru-ler,pen-cil.如拼读“我们学英语”w-o-wo m-en-men x-ue-xue y-ing-ying y-u-yu我们也是按音节拼,而不是一个一个字母的读。没有人是用背拼音的;熟悉英语发音后,单词一样不用背。

英语翻译 Vocabulary is three basic elements of language(pronunciation,vocabulary,grammar),is one of the basic materials,leave language cannot express ideas.Vocabulary,Not enough vocabulary is not effect.

想问一下,有谁有实用英语语音学的翻译吗 《语音学教程》,北京大学出版社 林焘,王理嘉 著《语音学教程》(中文版)彼得.赖福吉(Peter Ladefoged)北京大学出版社

想问一下,有谁有实用英语语音学的翻译吗 英语语音学翻译

英语翻译 Off to have a good voice,a certain number of words to master,master basic grammar lectures seriously,actively cooperate with classroom teachers and students is a completion of each lesson,we should conscientiously fulfill our learning must have confidence,be patient progressively adhere to the study continues,this will be harvested.Second,in order to learn you have to start listening,start.Carefully listening to the teacher talk in class,listening to students,said he actively raised his hand and be bold to speak English.The next lesson to listen to tapes,over and over,try to imitate correct pronunciation and intonation.Half an hour every day reading the language.Third,in order to learn you have a dice tenacity children.Learned words and sentences have to remember,really master it,please do not hope the shock only on the memory on the exam.Fourth order to learn but also many brains.A variety of methods to be used,in various forms to learn 。


