\ 比如说我最喜欢的运动



\\\ 比如说我最喜欢的运动

用最简单的十句英语来介绍自己,比如我叫什么名字,用XXX代替,喜欢什么运动,什么什么种种的,带中文意思.要简单清晰明了,不要太复杂了,越简单越好, hello,Mr(Miss)*,my name is*.I am 13 years old now.I have many hobbies.But my favourite are footballl and basketball.They help me keep healthy.And they also make me have friends.We often play.

为什么现在人比如说我 不喜欢锻炼身体啊? 这是有原因的,时代变化太快,数据传递速度,几分钟的数据,已经成为过去所有信息的综合,不聊天,基本会感觉自己落伍,去锻炼,并没有很多人去,自己感觉不好意思。锻炼身体是很有意义的!

英语翻译 I call out,I like sports,such as basketball,volleyball,ping-pong,tennis and so on,and I also like to read a book,watch movies,listening to music and go hiking.Oh,and a little,I especially like street dance,although I can't jump how much,but I was excited about it a.I think I most the most special should be me as a person,I modest,honest,sincere,good flexibility,rise,can convincing,easy to get along with people.You may see is I active part,but sometimes I was quiet,I think of the home as parents and relatives and high school teacher,I have always thought that they are I keep motivation.They let me know what is Thanksgiving-the most respected vocabulary。In order to Thanksgiving,I decided to study hard,to find a good job in the future,realize oneself the value of life,which is to the family and the people who helped me a good gift

MY FAVORITE SPORT(我最喜爱的运动)开头、中心段 There are many sports stars in the world.Do you know which is my favourite sport star?My favourite star is Yi Jianlian.Yi Jianlian is a good basketballer.He is born in Heshan,Guangdong.He is 2.12.

我喜欢的运动 For each person campaign is very important.As the saying goes:Life is movement.For example on me,and I like movement from childhood and I often run,but I love playing soccer very much,untill today I played football for than 10 years.I join the school team,although I'm very confident individual skills,but after a lot of market failure,I began to realize that football is a collective movement,we need to meet to obtain the final victory.Although some people think that playing soccer is to play football,but I understand it from a lot of life philosophy,really,I love football.译文运动对于每个人来说很重要。俗话说:生命在于运动。就比如说我,我从小就喜欢运动,经常跑步,但是我最喜欢踢足球,就这样我踢了十几年足球。中学的时候我进了校队,虽然我对我的个人技术很有信心,但是经过很多场的失败,我开始意识到,足球是一个集体运动,需要大家配合才能取得最终的胜利。虽然有些人认为踢足球就是踢足球,但我从中却体会到了许多生活哲理,真的,我十分的e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333236376636。

sport作定语的时候我知道是用复数形式,比如sports meeting.那什么情况下用单数sport 不是用复数,用单数,sports虽然经常出现用复数,但在这里不是,因为你只是说了一个football,只有一样.如:我喜欢做运动:I like doing sports.sport做定语一般用复数,还有特殊的woman,man做定语是根据被修饰名词单复数变化而变化的.


