徐志摩跟陆小曼的故居 请问徐志摩和陆小曼在上海的故居在哪里啊?


请问徐志摩和陆小曼在上海的故居在哪里啊? 他们的故居位于延安中路913弄的四明村,这里见证了两人的爱情浪漫甜蜜,也旁观了其婚后的“烟雾缭绕”。随着徐志摩因飞机失事而英年早逝,四明村里诗人的爱巢,人去楼空。

徐志摩跟陆小曼的故居 请问徐志摩和陆小曼在上海的故居在哪里啊?

中译英:徐志摩故居的介绍 Xu's former homeXu is well-known modern poet,essayist,\"crescent\"soul.Xu is the former residence of Xu and Lu Xiaoman after a short residence,built in 1926,is a Western-style small Western-style house.Haining for the key cultural unit,in October 2002 by the National Tourism Bureau of 2A-class tourist attractions.House construction area of 600 square meters,before and after the two-,three two-story main building,the former East and West with the car floor.After the floor has three,there is the roof terrace,the board can be.Taiwan's former home at the top of the door there is the poet's hand-written in Jin Yong's cousin,\"Xu poet's former home,\"said the main hall are important,\"Anja together,\"Qi Gong is a premium book.Xu bottom of the main building there on both sides of the family,life and literature of ideas and activities on display,showing the poet's brief but colorful life.Main hall,bedroom,study rehabilitation layout display,reproduction and family life of the poet's place.


上海徐志摩陆小曼故居,延安路那个,现在还有吗? 徐志摩与陆小曼曾居福熙路(今延安中路)四明村923号,一幢上海滩老式石库门洋房。徐志摩与陆小曼婚后,初住在上海环龙路(今南昌路)花园别墅11号,这是一幢三层洋房。后又迁到这个四明村,陆小曼租了其中一幢,每月租金银洋100元左右。

请问徐志摩和陆小曼在上海的故居在哪里啊? 静安区延安中路四明村923号(铜仁路延安中路)

徐志摩与陆小曼故居怎么样 看完电视剧间四月我直惦记着看看徐志摩平故事我少都看些书籍自问解少亲身真切受种气息让唏嘘已

上海徐志摩与陆小曼故居 徐志摩与陆小曼曾居福熙路(今延安中路)四明村923号,一幢上海滩老式石库门洋房。1929年3月29日,泰戈尔再次来到上海,曾住在那里楼下。当中为客堂间,陈设简单,只作穿堂。新房设在二楼厢房前间。后小间作小曼的吸烟室。三楼是志摩的书斋。



