英语作文【我的家乡聊城】 小学四年级作文我的家乡___聊城


我的家乡扬州写一篇英语作文110个词左右不要有生词 my hometown is Yangzhou,a beautiful city.People here are very friendly to visitors from other places.Most of the visitor come here to enjoy the beatiful scenery.I think the first spot they want to wat.写一篇关于My home town 的英语作文 My hometownWelcome to my hometown。Haimen is my hometown.It is a modern and busy town.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go shopping.You can see green hills,big trees and nice flowers.There are many restaurants in Haimen.You can enjoy Haimen goat.It tastes very delicious.Many visitors come here to enjoy it.There are many good places to visit.There is a park and a big Shopping Mall.You can see films in Renmin Theatre.My school is one of the best schools in my hometown.It is on Changjiang Road.It is very beautiful.I hope you can come and visit soon.我的家乡聊城英语作文100字通俗易懂? Myhometownisverybeautiful,peoplewanttostayhereforever.Getupeverymorning,wecanseethesmoke-filledlake,thesunshinesonthetop,thesparklingshine.Inmyhometown,themostbeautifulautumn.Everyautumn,themapleleafhasbecomeitsmainstream.Fruittreesinfrontofthedolphinfamilybutalsotobearthefullfruit.Ilovehome我的家乡很美丽,让人想永远呆在这里。每天早晨一起床,便可以看到烟雾缭绕的湖面,阳光照在上面,映照的波光粼粼。在我的家乡,秋天最美丽。每到秋天,枫叶便成了它的主流。家门前的一颗颗果树也结出了满满的果实。我爱家乡还行吧?小学四年级作文我的家乡___聊城 我的家乡在聊城我的家乡在聊城市,它位于山东省的西部,处于广阔肥沃的鲁西平原上,又称“江北水城”、“运河古都”。聊城是一座历史文化名城,也是一座现代化的新城。这里有京杭大运河穿过,像一条玉带,把聊城的许多名胜古迹和景点连在一起,例如:山陕会馆、东昌湖、光岳楼、文化广场等等。另外,聊城还有许多休闲娱乐景点,例如:姜堤乐园、凤凰苑、腾龙广场、湖滨公园、老聊城花园和体育公园。目前正在建的摩天轮将作为聊城的地标建筑,也是亚洲第三高度的摩天轮。山陕会馆去过吗?那里是明清时山西和陕西的商人在聊城经商做生意时经常聚集的一个场所。院子里的两棵老槐树据说有几百年的历史了,老树依然郁郁葱葱,苍翠欲滴,显示了它顽强的生命力。会馆中心场地有一座古戏台,它采用全木质结构,虽历经百年,但是古戏台的每一部分结构仍然坚固,可见当时的工匠技术多么的高超!东昌湖是聊城最著名的景点之一,每一位来聊城的游客都不会错过,否则肯定后悔。东昌湖最大的特点就是“大”。它的面积比现在的西湖面积还要大3倍。所以聊城为什么会有“江北水城”的美誉?一是因为京杭大运河贯穿市中心,二是因为东昌湖是市内最大湖泊,三是因为徒骇河是农业灌溉。I live in a small town In the past ten years,great changes have take place in my hometown In the past,people lived a terrible life They used to live in old houses Rubbish can be seen everywhere and the environment was pol以我的家乡(聊城)为题目写一篇英语作文我的家乡聊城被称为江北水城翻译成英语 我的家乡聊城被称为江北水城My hometown,Liaocheng,is called Jiang-bei water city.以我的家乡(聊城)为题目写一篇英语作文 I live in a small town.In the past ten years,great changes have take place in my hometown.In the past,people lived a terrible life.They used to live in old houses.Rubbish can be seen everywhere and the environment was polluted.The transportation was not convenient and there were few visitors.At present,things are greatly changed.People have moved into big bright houses.Many people have their own cars and they are living a happier life.People pay attention to the environmental protection.The mountains are becoming greener,water much cleaner.They enjoy a clearer sky.As a result,many visitors come here to spend their holidays.I love my hometown.I hope it will become and beautiful.我的家乡聊城作文 【第1篇】瞧!那个树木葱茏,湖水清澈的城市就是我的家乡—聊城。我的家乡有许多景点,如光岳楼、山陕会馆、孔繁森纪念馆、景阳冈、运河博物馆、东昌湖…其中最著名的就是。英语作文【我的家乡 聊城】 We liaocheng not only has the beautiful scenery,but also have excellent traffic conditions,for the domestic and foreign friends to\"jiangbei shuicheng\"tourism provides the convenience.Jingjiu railway and jiaoji railway,jeju museum highway in this intersection.From Beijing,Hong Kong and other places by the beijing-kowloon railway,beijing-fuzhou expressway directly to liaocheng,it can be reached from Qingdao to liaocheng 4 hours.Liaocheng of us diligence,enthusiasm,hospitality,we elaborate the\"jiangbei shuicheng\"brand,held various activities,to welcome all the friends.My hometown is so picturesque,such a beautiful city,how can I not love?


