外国交换生在中国的英语作文80词左右 外国交换生之类的英语作文


英语作文 假如你是李华,你班最近转来了几名外国交换生 英语作文 假如你是李华 你班有一位交换生 在中国学习一年 即将回国 根据以下材料写一120字英语作文 1.你们准备为他举办一个欢送会 2,在这一年的学习生活中学习热情提高了3。.

志愿者帮助外国交换生适应新环境英语作文 I think we should do the followings:First,it’s best to ride a bike to school,don’t take a bus or a taxi.Second,I will remember to turn off the lights when I 。

向外国交换生说来自己家的好处的英语作文 J1国际交换生,中美交换生项目是非营利性政府项目,为年龄在15至18周岁之间的中学生而设。本项目可使中国中学生持访问学者签证(J-1)顺利到达美国,居住在美国家庭里,并。

写一篇外国交换生来中国在餐桌上吃饭应该注意的事的英语作文 Table Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of a very important position,they believe,eating is not only way to meet their basic 。

外国交换生在中国的英语作文80词左右 外国交换生之类的英语作文

写一篇外国交换生来中国在餐桌上吃饭应该注意的事的英语作文 Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of avery important position,they believe,eating is not only way to meettheir basic physiological needs method-is also of paramountimportance social experience.To this end,grasp the knowledge of therules in some Chinese restaurants have become particularly important,whether you are a master,or merely a guest,must have some rules

我们去做外国的交换生呢 英语作文 谢谢 如下:我们去外国做交换生 先认识校园 然后一起参观 并做好记录 。 First,we are going to hold a welcome party for them.Then,we'll show them around our school.Next,we will be together and their class.After school,we will go to our school library.

英语作文 假如你是李华 你班有一位交换生 在中国学习一年 即将回国 根据以下材料写一120字英语作文 Dear XXX:We are planing to throw a see-off party for you.We can't believe you are leaving.We love you not only because you are one of the best mates in our class,but also because of your unique personality and talent in study and sports.You are always passionate about your study and,importantly,this enthusiam has been improving time by time over the last year.You love sports and you were stunning in the school sports meeting because of what you accomplished.


