语音学教程课后题答案 语言学教程第三版的胡壮麟的 每章课后题答案


语言学教程第三版的胡壮麟的 每章课后题答案 语言学教程


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《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版 课后习题答案 chapter 7 去文库,查看完整内容>;内容来自用户:小瓶子xiLChapter 7 Language Change1.The vocabulary of consists of native and also thousands of borrowed words.Look up the following words in a dictionary which provides the etymologies(history)of words.In each case speculate as to how the particular word came to be borrowed from a particular language.a.size b.skill c.royald.ranch e.robot f.potatog.astronaut h.emerald i.pagodaj.khaki k.bulldoze 1.hoodlum答:a.size()b.skill()c.royal()d.ranch()e.robot()f.potato()g.astronaut()h.emerald()i.pagoda()j.khaki()k.bulldoze((Botany Bay Slang))l.hoodlum()2.The Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook has usually published a new word list,which is,in the Britannica’s editor's view,a list of those words that had entered the language during the year.Would you expect a yearbook to publish a“lost-word list”re

语音学教程课后题答案 语言学教程第三版的胡壮麟的 每章课后题答案

求语音学教程(增订版)课后答案,急!!! 这个答案好难找啊,在网上都没看到有,你可以去答案家,让人家帮你找看

急求考研英语专业英语语言学实用教程课后题答案!!! 其实那本书理论部分很少,题目很多,但是今年的试卷,专业课二就一张纸,语言学部分10个名词解释,然后全是问答,一些理论知识等等。

语言学教程第三版 完整课后习题答案 语言学我们老师讲的很好,我有课件,你要么?

