“你是干什么的?”用英语怎么说? 你们在干什么 用英语怎么说


你们在干什么用英文怎么说 What are you doing?

你要干什么用英语怎么说? what are you gonna do?【含有此意的双语句子】1、What are you gonna do?I want to be a reporter.你要做什么?我想当一个播音员.2、What will you do in the october break this year?今年“十一”长假你要做什么?3、What are you gonna do?i want to be a reporter.你要做什么?我想当一个播音员.4、Come on.You ' re up to something,and i know it.得了,杰克我知道你要做什么事.5、What will you do on spring holidays break this year?今年春节长假你要做什么?6、What are you doing?you ' ll get me into trouble.你要做什么?这样让我很为难的.7、What will you do in the october break this year?今年“十一”长假你要做什么?8、A:What will you do o ring holiday reak this year?今年春节长假你要做什么?9、I don ' t want any trouble.what are you doing?我不想找麻烦.你要做什么?10、You tell me what it is you wanna do with your life.你告诉我在你的生命中,你要做什么?

你在干什么用英语怎么说 1.What are you doing2.What the hell are you doing3.What are you about4.what r u doing

你们在干什么?用英语怎么说? What are you doing you 你;你们


你在干什么用英语怎么说 你在干什么?翻译为英文是:What are you doing?注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

“你是干什么的?”用英语怎么说? what do you do for living?what is your job?what is your occoupation?what are you doing?

你们干什么呢?用英文怎么说? 这句话用英文的说法是What are you doing?希望能够帮到你祝你生活愉快

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“你是干什么的?”用英语怎么说? 你们在干什么 用英语怎么说

#你们在干什么 用英语怎么说#你们在干什么用英语怎么说

