热门单词:\ Octopus oracle Paul is predicting Germany will be defeated by Spain at the World Cup semifinal.(章鱼保2113罗预测德国在半决赛中将被西班牙打败。5261)上句中,“predict”就4102是“预言”的意思,可能很多1653人都熟悉,相应的,“预言家”就是“predictor”了。除此之外,还有几个单词能表示类似的意思,他们之间有细微的差别。1.prophet:这个词比较侧重于宗教方面,可以理解为我们常听到的“先知”,比如说:the Prophet of the Old Testament.(《旧约》中的先知)2.fortuneteller:这个词与其翻译成“预言家”,我们更常用的倒是“算命者”,就是那些号称能通过看手相解读人生的人。3.foreseer:来自于动词“foresee”,这个词就没有上述几个那么玄乎了,表示“有先见之明的人”。比如说:He foresaw that the job would take a long time.(他预见到做这件工作需要很长时间。以利沙旧约全书中记载的一个希伯来预言家,以利亚选为他的继承人In the Old Testament,a Hebrew prophet who was chosen by Elijah to be his successor.那个预言家以他的理论而出名。That seer is famous for his theory.prophetseervaticinatorseirNostradamus
英语翻译 1、正如科学家所预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一.(global)Just as the scientists conjectured,the global pollution become to the one of the most serious problems that human being have.
预言 的英语怎么说
英语翻译 As scientists predicted that global pollution has become one of the most serious problems facing mankind.(global)For these positions are very competitive-this year's applicant(applicant)is five times as last year.As it turns out,education outline should conform to the national economic development plan.(fit into)
预言者的英语翻译 预言者用英语怎么说 预言者可以用:divinerforetellerpredictorprognosticatorprophesierprophet