就业问题的作文 以就业为话题作文(800字)


一篇关于大学生就业问题的英语作文 Why It Is Difficult ron College Students to Find Jobs?(大学生求职为何难?and college students,in recent years,are finding it difficult to find jobs.This may sound strange since college students used to be the\"most favored\"people in society.They have received a higher education,hence they are intelligent,knowledgeable than their counterparts who failed to attend college.But chances are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graduating from colleges.There are two reasons that account for this strange phenomenon.One is that some college students cannot come to terms with themselves and with the world around them.They pursue too high goals and are too particular about such factors as working conditions,salary,and so on.Therefore,they are reluctant to accept the job when they are offered to them.Another reason is that the majors some students pursue do not match with the demands of the job market.As a result,they canonly sit and miss opportunities.To solve this 。

作文我的就业观600字 对于职业的选择,每一32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333339653736个人,尤其是对初涉社会的大学生来说,都应该是一个谨慎的选择。因为职业关系到一个人未来的前途与发展,关系到人生价值的实现。许多人将自己定位得太高,非所谓“崇高”的职业不做,认为最基层的工作没有发展前景,只能庸碌的过活这一生。但我认为不然,一个人如果起初就拥有一份不错的职业,就容易产生膨胀的心理,对自己的能力估量得太高,在遇到困难时,就会摔得越重,也越容易一蹶不振。而起初选择一份比较基层的工作,心理上就会感觉更淡然些,凭自己的能力一点点向高层靠拢,一点点在工作中展示自己的才华和能力,这样过后得到的高席位就更有苦尽甘来的美感,而且自然就会用更平和更感恩的心去对待工作,对待下属,因为自己有过干基层的经历,也就更体谅员工的不易,而理解往往对于员工来说就是最有效果的“拉拢”,企业的长远发展也就自然不言而喻。有些人或许没有什么雄心壮志,不想与一些背地里蝇营狗苟的“伪君子”争名夺利,对于他们来说,高官不意味着权力与至尊,而意味着囚牢与束缚。想想也是这样,位置越高或许心里就会越不安,天天担心是不是有人想顶替自己,那些。

树立正确的就业观作文(篇一) 关于“树立正确就业观”的800字的高中作文 本回答由提问者推荐 匿名用户 1级 2018-10-29 回答 树立正确的就业观作文(篇一)大学生是整个社会中。

就业问题的作文 以就业为话题作文(800字)


