“交换生”用英语怎么说 九年级英语外国交换生作文


一篇英语作文 假如你是某中学的高中生李华 曾经到英国当交换生 来自英国生交换的他来你校 生活交流 Dear Peter,I heard you are going to the Westminster high school this year,that school is very famous,Congratulations。I am going to the high school next year,I wish I could go to the good school too.The winter holiday is coming,welcome to China,we can go to the forbidden city together.Yours sincerelyLi Hua

写一篇关于去外校做交换生的英语作文要翻译 亲爱的先生/女士:我想成为你们学校的一名交换生,我也想申请加入这个交流项目.我名叫李华,是9年级2班的一名学生.首先,我的英语听说能力很好,我的英语老师经常夸奖我出色的英语水平.第二,我对英国的文化很感兴趣.我的.

英语作文 假如你是李华 你班有一位交换生 在中国学习一年 即将回国 根据以下材料写一120字英语作文 Dear XXX:We are planing to throw a see-off party for you.We can't believe you are leaving.We love you not only because you are one of the best mates in our class,but also because of your unique personality and talent in study and sports.You are always passionate about your study and,importantly,this enthusiam has been improving time by time over the last year.You love sports and you were stunning in the school sports meeting because of what you accomplished.

求英语作文 假如你是李华,作为一名交换生在美国进行了一个月的学习,在此期间,你和房东Mrs.Wh 作文:Dear Mrs.WhiteThis mail is to thank you for everything that you have done for me during the one month I stay in America.I studied for one month in America as an exchange student.Altough it is not a long time,you really helped me a lot,no matter on life or my study.As a newcomer,it is you who give me the meticulous care,which makes me feel warm like a famliy.As a Chinese student,it is you who helped me patiently,which benifit my and study a lot.I really appreciate all of these,and I also really miss this period.I hope that we can keep in touch.And my dear friend,you are weclome to China,I will introudce you my famliy and friends,show the famous sight,take you to taste delicious Chinese traditional snack.Trust that will be another happiness time.With best wishesLihua中文翻译2113:亲爱的怀特太太这封信为了感谢你5261为我所做的一4102切,当我在美国这一个月里。我作为交换1653学生在美国学习了一个月。虽然时间不长,但是你真给予了我很多帮助,不论是在生活上或者是学习。

英语作文一位美国交换生rose即将来中国学习,请你给她子一封e-mail,在表示欢迎 Hi rose,I'm very glad to talk to you.I know you will come to China to study for a while,so I write this e-mail to wlecome you.China is a friendly country with friendly people.You can take easy when you stay here.That's all.See you later.

一段英语的翻译求大神指导 There will be a number of foreign exchange students and students together to participate in our class together biological experiments to extract lessons about how to welcome their chlorophyll and put.

“交换生”用英语怎么说 九年级英语外国交换生作文


