万献初的简介 万献初语音学


万献初的《音韵学要略》?1 问:音韵学指的是什么?答:音韵学,是研究各个时期的汉语语音及其变化规律的学科,为语言学的一个分支,通常分为古音学、今音学和等韵学3个部分。

万献初的简介 万献初语音学


万献初的教育行业 1)音韵训诂;2)汉语音义文献整理与研究。Wan Xianchu,male,born in Xianning,Hubei province in 1956.Doctor of Arts,a professor in literature college in Wuhan University,doctorial tutor and head of Language and Literature Classics Collation and Research Center in Wuhan University.He finished his undergraduate study in Huazhong Normal University,then went to Chinese Department in Beijing Normal University to study Phonology and scholium tutored by Mr Wang Ning.His doctorial study was completed in the Chinese Department in Wuhan University tutored by Mr.Zong Fubang in his research in phonology and scholium,He has also studied in the second study class in Chinese Phonology Associate and the first advanced study class on ancient Chinese in Northeast Normal University.He has been engaged in teaching ancient Chinese,phonology,scholium and ancient document studies for many years,and has been rewarded Excellent Teaching Achievement First Prize.His class,Phonology,has been submitted to Wuhan 。

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