迷你冰箱上的英文,求翻译。 你的新冰箱出问题了吗的英文翻译


如果你拥有一颗鸭梨(压力),就把它放在冰箱里,这样,你就会拥有冻梨(动力).英语翻译 if you have a Chinese pear,put it in the icebox,then,you will get a frozen Chinese pear.要给老外解释:for pronunciation:Chinese pear in chinese it is the same with stress.frozen chinese pear is the.

迷你冰箱上的英文,求翻译。 你的新冰箱出问题了吗的英文翻译

“冰箱”英语翻译是什么? fridge冷冻冰箱:freezer台式冰箱[制冷]:desk refrigerator小冰箱:MINI BAR;bar fridge;Danby;compact fridge太阳能冰箱[制冷]:solar energy refrigerator;Solar Fridge车载冰箱:Car refrigerator;GL-CF;Car Brige;Car Fridges伊莱克斯冰箱:Electrolux refrigerators温冰箱:Low temperature refrigerator;Becton Dikinson;Reveo网络冰箱:Internet refrigerator;network refrigerator打开冰箱:open the fridge;Open the icebox

她的冰箱有问题了英文翻译4种 1、4102He is a problem with the refrigerator2、1653His refrigerator is broken3、His refrigerator doesn't work4、His strike the fridge

冰箱翻译成英文是什么 what'sinthefridge?冰箱里面有什么。不过也有whatareinthefridge?一般来说,用what's比较多

冰箱的英文是什么? 冰箱:Refrigerator。释义:iceboxn.冷藏2113柜5261;冷冻室;4102冰箱。ice chestn.冷藏柜。refrigeratorn.冰箱;冷藏库。fridgen.电冰箱;冰柜;冷藏库。扩展1653资料:双语例句:1、这种冰箱比一般冰箱节电三分之一。This kind of refrigerator can save one-third of electricity compared with ordinary ones。2、牛奶在冰箱里可以搁好几天。Milk keeps quite a few days in a fridge。3、我们的厨房有台冰箱。We have a refrigerator in our kitchen。4、她买了一个冰箱、一个微波炉,外带许多其他东西。She’s bought a fridge,a microwave,and lots of other things besides。5、剩饭在冰箱里。The leftovers are in the refrigerator。6、滴入香草精打匀后先入冰箱保存。Beat in the vanilla extract and chill until the cake is ready。7、把冰箱的冷冻室转到特冷档。Keys:1.Switch the freezer to the extra cold setting。8、设施包括卫星电视和冰箱。Other facilities include a satellite TV and a hairdryer。9、这台冰箱的保修期是多长?How long is this ice box guaranteed?10、他把一些食物放进冰箱里。He put some food into the ice chest。

冰箱英语怎么说 多乐学英语

把下列句子翻译成英文 1.你通常几点去商店?2.厨房里有一些土豆吗?3.冰箱里没有鸡蛋了.4.我没有乳酪,但是我有一些黄油.5.我只有一些果酱. 1.你通常几点去商店?What time do you usually go to the shop?2.厨房里有一些土豆吗?Are there some potatoes in the kitchen?3.冰箱里没有鸡蛋了.There is no eggs in the fridge.4.我没有乳酪,但是我有一些黄油.I don't have any cheese,but I have some butter.5.我只有一些果酱.I only have some jam.

冰箱翻译成英文是什么 refrigerator 标准说法。记得小时候学的是fridge 看字面像是前者的简化


