英语翻译 我希望你能仔细考虑英语怎么说


英语翻译:我希望你能考虑我的建议 我希望你能考虑我的建议英文:I hope you will consider my proposal.词汇解析:一、hope英[h??p]美[ho?p]n.希望;信心;被寄予希望的人(或事物)v.希望,期待;认为短语:in hopes of 希望能…;怀着…的希望in the hope that 怀着…的希望;希望能…only hope 只有希望二、consider英[k?n?s?d?]美[k?n?s?d?r]v.考虑;考虑到;认为短语:all things considered 从全面考虑consider doing 考虑做…consider doing something 考虑做某事三、proposal英[pr??p??z?l]美[pr??po?z?l]n.提出建议;提议,提案短语:proposal for sth 预备;提建议design proposal 设计方案,设计建议to table a proposal 提出建议扩展资料词义辨析:suggestion,advice,proposal这三个词都可译为“建议”,其区别在于:1、advice是针对某一行动提出的;You'd better have legal advice before acting.诉讼之前你最好求教律师。2、suggestion针对某一问题,尤其是为解决困难或改进工作提出的;We welcome any suggestion that helps to improve our work.任何有助于改进工作的建议我们都欢迎。3、proposal是供他人考虑或采纳提出的。His 。英语翻译 中翻英:1)We are very sorry that we can not accept your price,which is slightly higher than the pervailing market price.2)Consider the long-term relationship between us,we decide to give you.在线等一句中译英,急!!!我希望你可以认真考虑我的建议 你好:I sincerely hope that you can take my advice into deep consideration.常用的结尾:I am looking forward to hear from you.希望对您有帮助。我会仔细考虑你的建议. 翻译成英文. think over认真考虑.我又仔细考虑了一下.英语如何说呢 I had a second thought over sth.second thought的定义:thinking again about a choice previously made(是指重新认真考虑以前所做的决定,类似于中文“三思”)同义词:reconsideration,afterthought,rethink其.英语翻译 1、别紧张,你一定会通过考试的 Don't worry,you will defintely pass the exam.2、在仔细调查之前,不要下结论 Don't make conclusions before careful inspections.3、许多学生愿意努力工作来实现他们的梦想 Many students are willing to work hard in order to fulfill their dreams.4、我已经开始考虑下一步做什么 I have started thinking what should I do in the next step.5、你认为希望和梦想是一样的吗 Do you think hope and dream is the same thing?6、为什么人们决定去参观这些地方 Why do people decide to visit these places?7、住在新加坡是非常贵的 Living in Singapore is very expensive.我希望你仔细考虑一下 英文怎么说 应该是这样 i want you to think it overthink sth over 就是考虑意思英语翻译 1.Daniel是一个考虑周全的人,而且想的仔细,他把每件事都计划的好好的.Daniel is a considerate person,as well,he considers carefully and arranges everything well.2.你什么时候想教我放风筝吗?When will you tea.


