一首英文歌,一个男的唱的,歌词比较露骨,意思差不多是那男的是明星很优秀,与女的一类的词,在一些视频 It'sso insane cus when its going good its going great 这太他妈疯狂 因为当一切就要变得好起来 I'm superman with the wind at his back 我成了巅峰的超人 所向披靡 。
请教一下:all over again什么意思? (从头)再一次 (从头)再一次 再一次,重新‘例句:She had screwed up and had to do it all over again.她把事情搞坏了,得重新做过。Let's do the job all over again。.
start all over over all over again为何译成再一次,这词是否作 start 状语