春之希望英文单词 春的英语怎么写



春之希望英文单词 春的英语怎么写

英语翻译 Easter is the oldest one of the most significant Christian festivals,which celebrate the resurrection of Christ,symbolizing rebirth and hope.It was started at the first sunday after the Spring Equinox.Christians around the world holds a celebration every year.the typical gifts for Easter are related to spring and rebirth:egg,little rabbit,small duck,fresh flower,especially lily is the symbol of this season.差不多这个意思吧。

适合可以网名的英文单词 begonia秋海棠cactus仙人掌christmas flower圣诞花/一品红poppy罂粟tulip郁金香chinese rose月季violet紫罗兰peach flower桃花aloe芦荟mimosa含羞草dandelion蒲公英plum bolssom梅花中国水仙 new year lily石榴 pomegranate月桂victor's laurel报春花 polyanthus木棉 cotton tree紫丁香 lilac吊钟 lady's eardrops紫荆 Chinese redbud百合 lily紫罗兰 wall flower桃花 peach紫藤 wisteria杜鹃 azalea铃兰 lily-of-the-valley牡丹 tree peony银杏 ginkgo芍药 peony蝴蝶兰 moth orchid辛夷 violet magnolia蟹爪仙人掌 Christmas cactus玫瑰 rose郁金香 tulip茶花 common camellia千日红 common globe-amaranth非洲堇 African violet栀子花 cape jasmine木槿 rose of Sharon风信子 hyacinth百子莲 African lily牵牛花 morning glory君子兰 kefir lily荷包花 lady's pocketbook含笑花 banana shrub非洲菊 African daisy含羞草 sensitive plant茉莉 Arabian jasmine猪笼草 pitcher plant凌霄花 creeper树兰 orchid tree康乃馨coronation鸡冠花 cockscomb荷花lotus鸢萝 cypress vine菩提 botree大理花 dahlia圣诞。


